Convert the Message to Plain Text

Convert your HTML message to plain text to remove the HTML formatting, tags, and images for recipients who do not accept HTML-formatted email.

In plain text, URLs to links and components display as session tags with embedded IDs. These items render correctly in the message that recipients get; however, you might need to adjust the spacing around these items.

Conditionalizations and personalizations still work in plain text versions. Use the preview option to verify output.

Convert the message to plain text

  1. Navigate to Plain Text Content in the message.

    1. Click Email > Email Campaigns.

    2. Click the Campaigns tab.

    3. In the Actions column for the appropriate campaign, click Manage.

    4. Click the Messages tab.

    5. In the Actions column of the appropriate message, click Edit.

    6. Click Plain Text Content process page.

  2. Click Convert to Plain Text.

  3. Review the message and make necessary changes such as adding or removing space around words or adding introductory text to links.

    Warning: If you subsequently make changes to the HTML content on the previous page, make the same changes manually in the Plain Text content area. If you click Convert to Plain Text again, the system overwrites changes you previously made in the Plain Text version.

    Note: For S-tag conditionals that include a URL link, see Known Issues to verify proper formatting and ensure email deliverability.

  4. (Optional) Click Preview to see your message so you can adjust formatting and content as necessary. See Preview an emailand Preview the Message as a Group Member or Constituent for more information.

    Note: Send a test email in addition to previewing to ensure the deliverability of your message. See Test the Message.