Email Delivery Status

Keep informed about your Email Campaign's delivery status with these notification options:

  • Sign up to receive emails with delivery updates. See Set up message envelope

  • View delivery status updates on the Review the delivery status and details page

    Tip: To open this page, click Email > Email Campaigns. For the campaign, click Manage > Deliveries tab > Review.

Status updates are available after an action completes. For example, in the product, the Delivery Started on statistic only displays after the delivery begins.

Audience Generation is the process of creating the target email address list that will receive the message. The recipients are determined by evaluating the groups selected during the set up process and filtering out any recipients that have invalid email addresses, have opted-out of receiving email communication, or have previously received the message.

Delivery Sent means that all messages have been sent to the email processing server (MTA or Mail Transfer Agent).

Note: Once an email message has been received by the MTA, it is placed in a queue to be sent to the appropriate email service provider (ESP such as Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc.). On receipt of the email, the ESP performs additional processing before delivering the email to the recipients. As a result, there may be several hours delay between when the delivery is marked as sent and when the recipients receive the emails.

Status Description
Current Status Deliveries can take the following states:
  • Initial - A new delivery is being created

  • Draft - The delivery was saved, but is not ready to send

  • Calculating - The delivery is not queued or scheduled, but is calculating an audience

  • Calculated - The delivery is not queued or scheduled, but has calculated an audience

  • Queued - The delivery is in a queue, and ready to be sent

  • Scheduled - The delivery is scheduled for a future date

  • Audience Generating State - The audience is generating

  • Audience Generated - The audience has generated

  • Audience Error - An error occurred with the audience generation

  • No Audience - The recipient count of the delivery is 0 (zero)

  • Sending - The delivery is sending emails

  • Sent - All email for the delivery was sent to the MTA processing server

  • Rebuilding - The segment group is being rebuilt at delivery time

  • Rebuild Error - An error occurred with the rebuilding process

  • Cancelled - Delivery was cancelled due to user request

  • Cleaning - Delivery was cancelled, so recipient data is undergoing clean up

  • Cancelling - Delivery cancellation was initiated by user

Audience Generation Started on (Scheduled campaigns only) Lists the date, time and time zone for when the targeted recipient list started building
Audience Generation Ended on (Scheduled campaigns only) Lists the date, time and time zone for when the targeted recipient list completed building. The audience is now ready
Audience Generation Failed (Scheduled campaigns only) Lists the date, time and time zone for when the audience generation process failed. For next steps to take after a failure, see Troubleshooting Email Delivery and Audience Generation Failures
Delivery Started on Lists the date, time and time zone for when messages have started sending to the email processing server (MTA)
Delivery Sent Lists the date, time, and time zone for when all messages finished delivery to the email processing server (MTA)
Schedule Description


(no schedule set)

This status means that the send has begun
Scheduled The time, time zone, and date for when the campaign is scheduled to send

Troubleshooting Email Delivery and Audience Generation Failures

Email delivery and audience generation can fail for several reasons. Common issues and resolutions include:

Email Delivery Issues About Try this fix
Email send fails with error: "We encountered an error resulting in blank message content. Please review your message for valid content, or go here for possible solutions." Plain text emails can fail to send when a URL link is followed immediately with `]]` with no space or characters in between.

The email parser is unable to properly handle the content.

Check S-tags that include URL links. For any URL link directly followed by `]]` add a space or extra text between the end of the URL link and the ']]'.

For example, instead of the default of:


add a space after the URL:

[[?[[S1:first_name]]::Name:: ]]

or add extra text of your choice:

[[?[[S1:first_name]]::Name:: extra text]]

This issue applies only to S-tags involving http or https.

Audience Generation Issues About Try this fix
When a nested query searches for a deleted group, the following error displays in the Administrator user interface:

unable to rebuild group inline (queryID = <xxxx>) group = <Group_Name>


<Group_Name> is the group that is affiliated with the query

<xxxx>is the number associated with the query

To resolve, you can either:

  • Choose to not rebuild the group

  • Resolve the issue in the query that is referenced in the error by queryID = <xxxx>. Determine whether the query is including a group that it is unable to find

A generated audience displays "0" deliverable constituent results This is a state where no messages are sent after the audience was generated. This state is not an error Try again