Set up message envelope

  1. Navigate to the message.

    1. Click Email > Email Campaigns.

    2. Click the Campaigns tab.

    3. In the Actions column for the appropriate campaign, click Manage.

    4. Click the Messages tab.

    5. In the Actions column of the appropriate message, click Edit.

    6. Click Next or Envelope.

  2. Enter a Sender Name to display in the "From" area of the email header and Inbox of message recipients.

  3. Enter a Sender Email Address to associate with the Sender Name in the "From" area of the email header and inbox of message recipients.

    Note: To avoid deliverability issues, do not enter a or email address. For more details, refer to the Yahoo DMARC policy.

  4. Enter a Reply-To Email Address where replies to the message will be sent. The Sender Email Address is used by default when this field is empty.

  5. For Message Subject, complete the following steps:

    1. Enter the phrase to display in the Subject field of the message.

  6. For Email Status Notifications, enter an email address to receive delivery status updates for this email message.

    Note: Email addresses specified in this field receive a maximum of five email updates about the different campaign delivery stages. For more information about what these email messages would contain, see Email Delivery Status.

    Tip: You can enter multiple email addresses, separated by a comma, up to a maximum of 255 characters. For example, ",”

  7. Click Next to Select the message stationery.