Customize a Maintenance Page
Customize a Maintenance Page for your site to display during planned outages for maintenance. The maintenance page serves as a temporary web page to redirect site visitors to during a maintenance window.
Some customizable elements on your maintenance page include:
Logo, organization name and address
Facebook, Twitter, and Email links
Message to site visitors
Open HTML/CSS input area for custom styling
See Customize the maintenance page.

If you don't customize a maintenance page for your organization, a default page is used as shown in the following image. Your organization name and email address are included automatically.
The default organization name value is pulled from the SITE_NAME Site Option that is controlled by Blackbaud administrators. The email address comes from the SITE_CONTACT_EMAIL Site Option. To use different values, enter the preferred values as part of the procedure to customize this page. Do not change the Site Options.
For MultiCenter environments, a center's Public Name and Email is used when they are defined. If those values are empty, the values default to the site name and email address.

If your organization is MultiCenter, you can customize this page for each center, because each center has a unique page.

No, the maintenance page is a static page, so S-tags will not render.

This page only displays during prolonged maintenance downtime.