Update Disbursement Name and Address for Checks

By default, your Disbursement Name and Address are set to your organization's Registered Name and Address. You can update this information if a different address should be used for disbursement.

  1. Navigate to https://nonprofit.yourcause.com. Sign in to NPOconnect by entering your email and then log in with your Blackbaud ID (BBID) account.

    Note: You must be a Nonprofit Administrator for your organization to update this information. If you aren't, see Registration to learn how to become an admin.

  2. After signing in, select Administration in the side navigation and then Disbursement Information.

  3. In Disbursement Information, select Edit disbursement address.

  4. In Edit Disbursement Information, provide your updated information.

    1. Enter the organization name and address to use as the Disbursement Name and Address.

      Note: The name entered cannot be a personal name. Your change request will be denied if a personal name is provided.

    2. Optional - Select This is our display address to also use this as the Display Name and Address that appears on your Nonprofit Profile.

  5. Select Next to continue.

  6. Upload two valid forms of documentation as proof of the new mailing address and name change. You can submit any of the following documents:

    • Utility bills

    • Voided check

    • Bank statement or letter

    • Government issued documents, including tax returns, 990, confirmation of address change, etc.

    • USPS confirmation of address change

    Warning: Documents must contain your new, requested mailing address or name. For auditing purposes, documentation must be provided by a third party. Any documents created by your organization will not be accepted.

    Note: If your organization cannot provide documentation, contact NPOconnect Support.

  7. Optional - Provide a comment to submit with your change request.

  8. Select Save to submit your updated information.

Our team will review the information and documentation submitted. Allow up to 72 business hours to review and approve your request. You'll be notified by email once complete.