Blackbaud NXT Ratings
To help determine overall wealth of individuals, Target Analytics, a division of Blackbaud Inc., automatically screens constituents located in the United States — except those marked as deceased or inactive — based on their public assets, including:
High-confidence real estate ownership, based on their name and address
Private company information, based on their reported ownership percentage
High-confidence public company insider holdings and options
With this information, you can determine where to focus your fundraising energies and who to ask for larger gifts. On a constituent's record, you can view their wealth analysis under Ratings.
Tip: To view wealth information from Target Analytics for a list of constituents, include the Wealth rating column.
Target Analytics rates the constituent's overall wealth based on their public assets and ranks it up to five stars. Similar to a movie review, the higher the stars, the better the wealth rating.
Note: In the database view, the wealth rating appears as a letter from A to G.
(A) — A five-star constituent has public assets greater than $25,000,000 USD. Cha-ching!
(B) — A four-star constituent has public assets between $10,000,000 and $25,000,000 USD.
(C, D) — A three-star constituent has public assets between $1,000,000 and $10,000,000 USD.
Note: In the database view, a C indicates public assets between $5,000,000 and $10,000,000 USD, and a D indicates between $1,000,000 and $5,000,000 USD.
(E) — A two-star constituent has public assets between $500,000 and $1,000,000 USD.
(F, G) — A one-star constituent has public assets up to $500,000 USD.
Note: In the database view, an F indicates public assets between $100,000 and $500,000 USD, and a G indicates less than $100,000 USD.
Note: If Target Analytics can't accurately identify a constituent or screen their wealth, such as due to others with similar names and addresses, they appear with No rating. Better nothing than something incorrect!
Use these ratings to help segment your constituents and determine how to cultivate relationships with them. For example, we recommend you assign your wealthier four- or five-star constituents to an attentive fundraiser for the white-glove treatment, with more care and interaction than other donors.
With Wealth Analytics, Target Analytics provides minimum and maximum estimates of the constituent's total assets — such as real estate holdings, property, stocks, and annuities — based on public information. Use these estimates to help gauge the constituent's capacity to give.
With Wealth Analytics, Target Analytics uses advanced analytics to provide constituents' suggested minimum and maximum ask amounts for annual giving. To determine these ask amounts, Target Analytics considers the donor's giving history with your organization, enhanced with profile data to better understand the constituent and estimate their capacity to give. Use these amounts to help identify who to ask for larger gifts and which current annual donors to cultivate into major donors.
Tip: Target Analytics also uses advanced predictive analytics to provide constituents' suggested range of low, medium, and high ask amounts — such as $25-$50-$75 or $100-$150-$250 — for online donations, based on their giving to your organization and others. You can view and filter by this suggested online ask amount in constituent lists. For more information, see Online Ask Amounts.
With Wealth Analytics, Target Analytics recommends the type of giving to expect from the constituent based on their giving history, enhanced with profile data to better understand the constituent and estimate their ability to give to your organization. You can use the donor's type to help determine which appeals they receive and how to best cultivate a relationship.
Annual — The donor may likely contribute less than $1,000 each year to your organization. To cultivate the relationship, ask for smaller annual gifts through broad-based outreach efforts such as direct mail and email appeals.
Tip: You may cultivate an annual donor into a major donor based on their relationship and giving history with your organization. For information, see Wealth Ratings Best Practices.
Major — The donor may likely contribute $1,000 or more each year to your organization. To tap into their larger potential, assign them to an attentive fundraiser to actively engage and cultivate the relationship through more personal attention.
Tip: With Prospect Research Management, you can use opportunities to help plan how to secure a major gift. For information, see Opportunities.
Suspect — Unfortunately, the donor isn't likely to contribute to your organization. Research the constituent's giving history to help determine their true likelihood to donate, but you may want to minimize your investment with them and instead focus on others more likely to give.
Note: Target Analytics screens each constituent on an annual basis and within one business day of when they're added or updated with a valid address.
Under Ratings on any constituent's record, select Settings
Deselect Show Blackbaud NXT ratings on records, lists, and work centers.
Select Next and Finish.
Tip: Remember, these ratings are recommendations based on public wealth information to help start prospect research. For more accurate information, use them with additional analysis, such as other resources, your own research and custom models, and the constituent's giving history. For details, see Wealth Ratings Best Practices.