
Appeals are the solicitations used to bring in gifts, such as direct mailings, phonathons, auctions, or gala events. To specify how you use gifts received in response to an appeal, you can associate an appeal with a fund and use multiple appeals to support a specific campaign. For example, you may use a direct mailing, phonathon, and ribbon-cutting event to request giving for specific funds of a New Building Campaign.

An appeal can contain multiple packages, which are the different versions of content and items it can include. To increase the likelihood of a gift, use different packages to target recipients with specific content and items, such as:

  • An introductory letter for new constituents

  • A promotional keychain for existing donors

  • A higher quality glossy brochure for prospective major donors

Tip: To help motivate fundraisers, your organization may set goal amounts to raise through specific appeals. Under Overview in Work center, you can view how much your personal fundraising efforts raised through active appeals under Goals. For more information, see Work Center Overview.

Tip: To add or manage appeals, select Appeals from Records in the database view.