Tip: Don't see this yet? No need to worry. Expect its wider release in a future update.
With Tributes, you can track details about gifts given in honor, memory, or celebration of a person or cause. For example, donors may donate to your organization — in lieu of buying flowers — to memorialize a recently departed friend, or a married couple may request friends to give to your mission to celebrate their anniversary.
On a gift or constituent record, you can manage details about who the giving commemorates under Tributes. With this information, you can develop strategies to further engage donors who are connected to your organization through honored constituents.
Under Type, enter the reason for the commemoration. For example, if you solicit gifts “in honor of” a constituent but receive a gift “for the anniversary of” the individual, the donor’s intent appears as the tribute type.
Note: The tribute type automatically defaults to the type assigned when you entered the gift.
Enter a description of the tribute.
Search for a fund for the tribute.
Enter a start and end date for the tribute
Under Acknowledgees, select Add acknowledgee to add family members, friends, or associates to notify that you received the gift.
Select Save.
To enable donors to give in tribute from a Raiser's Edge NXT donation form, include tribute fields on the form.
From Blackbaud apps, Online Giving, create or edit a Standard Donation Form. Under Form, in the Form designer, select Gift information and move Tribute to a location on the form.
Gifts from donation forms are placed into unapproved batches in Fundraising, Gift Management in web view. When you approve a batch, you can view tribute information from the Tribute tab on the gift batch record.
Note: To help you manage tribute records, donation forms check whether donors, the people they are honoring, and recipients have existing records. For details about how forms match or create records, see Automatic Tribute Matching.