Donation Forms

Note: Raiser's Edge NXT currently doesn't accept the Indian rupee. For more information, see Blackbaud Payment Service – Supported Currencies.

From Online Giving, Overview, you can create Blackbaud Donation Forms to help you raise more. They offer reduced online transaction fees, automated recurring gifts, and they process payments and disburse funds through Blackbaud Merchant Services.

  • Optimized Donation Forms require minimal setup and use continually refined data and branding cards to create a streamlined and engaging donor experience.

  • Standard Donation Forms give you the most control during set up and enable you to include additional fields and style elements, such as divider lines, headers, and gift comments.

Tip: Gifts from donation forms automatically flow to batches in Gift Management. You can set default values for donor and gift information, such as address type, using Field Mappings.

To create, edit, and track form performance, select Online Giving, Overview. To access an existing form, select All donation forms under Related Links.