Create and manage stewardship funds
A fund is an amount of money set aside for a particular purpose, such as an award, a specific program, or endowed chair.
Funds are the most important part of your
When you create a new portfolio in Award Management, your system automatically creates a new fund in Stewardship Management.
Occasionally, you'll want to create a fund that's not tied to an award portfolio (such as an endowed chair).
To manually add a new fund:
Go to Stewardship, Funds.
Select New Fund.
Choose any Scopes or Donors associated with the fund.
Select Create.
All fields on the fund can be updated — including imported fields and those manually added to individual funds.
Go to Stewardship, Funds.
On a specific fund record, select View.
Select Edit Fund.
Modify fund information as necessary.
Select Update Fund.
You can create or edit funds — including updating existing fund information — through an import file. For more information, see Fund and contact imports.
To update fields on one or more funds:
Select Stewardship, Funds.
Select one or more funds.
Select Act on Selected, Add Contact Visibility or Act on Selected, Remove Contact Visibility.
Select the specific fields to add or remove as contact visible.
Note: Though all potential fields appear in this list, only those included in the opportunity's questions will be added or removed from each fund.
Select Update Contact Visibility.
To update fields on an individual fund, make your changes from the Disbursement Fields tab.
To provide a curated picture of a fund performance for your donor contacts, see Publish fund snapshots.
To help track several portfolios in one fund, administrators can associate multiple funds — created from portfolios in Award Management — to one fund in Stewardship Management.
Select Stewardship, Funds.
On the dominant fund record, select View.
On the fund details page, select Edit Fund, then select Merge Another Fund to merge a fund in to this fund.
Choose a fund.
Select Merge Funds.
You cannot merge more than one fund at a time, so this action must be repeated for each fund to be merged.
Note: This action is irreversible, so be careful when merging funds.
Note: To do more with funds, see Prepare your donor portal or Prepare and send donor reports.