Stranded Funds Automation FAQ
If you have any additional questions, see Stranded Funds Automation.

The Stranded Funds Automation process will ensure that stranded funds from your organization are able to be reissued or redirected in a routine, timely fashion. This will help your organization’s giving dollars stay compliant with legislative requirements like California Assembly Bill 488.

Our remediation processes will handle future stranded funds and will also retroactively apply to currently stranded funds. Donors with stale checks will be contacted and true holds will be pulled into the next manual remediation cycle.

The contact(s) selected in CSRconnect Admin Portal, Processing Settings, Transaction Redirects, Notification Settings will receive an email that your alternate charity has become ineligible to receive funds, and they will be prompted to select a new alternate charity.

It takes around 1-3 weeks for funds to remediate.

Yes! In an effort to prevent checks from going stale, YourCause sends an email notification to both donors and any NPOconnect charity admin we have on file prior to a check going stale.
Charities with a NPOconnect administrator on file receive an email at 45 and 90 days after a check has been issued.
Donors receive an email at 90 days after a check has been issued alerting them that the check has not yet been cashed and will expire in 30 days.

No, we cannot alter the outreach timeline. Donors have 30 days to take action on stranded funds once they receive the 30-day notice email.

If a user does not have an email address on the HR File, we will revert to the user’s preferred email. If a user has no email address on the HR File and no preferred email, then no email is sent to the donor. Upon logging into CSRconnect, the donor will be able to manage their stranded funds via a redirect link on the landing page.

Yes, if an employee has a preferred email on file, that will be used in the Stranded Funds Automation notification process.

Stranded funds from inactive employees are redirected to the alternate charity for your organization.

Yes, you can! This can be done through CSRconnect Admin Portal, Users, Manage Email Exceptions. For more information, see Email exemptions.
If you add donors to the Do Not Contact list, you can add an alternate email address to receive the Stranded Funds Automation notification emails in lieu of the donor’s email. Action must still be taken in the donor’s account prior to the 30-day deadline.

A donor will be able to provide a designation when redirecting their stranded funds to a new charity.
At this time, funds being auto redirected to the alternate charity when a donor does not take action will not be able to include a designation. While this functionality doesn’t exist today, it has been submitted to our Idea Bank to be considered for future development.

Yes, donors are able to update privacy preferences during the redirect process.