Stranded Funds Automation

Most donations made through CSRconnect are successfully disbursed on first attempt (98%). However, some situations can occur outside of our control, such as when a charity does not cash a check or loses their donation eligibility status based on their IRS standing.

When this occurs, the transaction becomes stranded. Additional actions become necessary to either get the transaction to the originally intended charity or redirect the funds to another eligible charity.

The Stranded Funds Automation (SFA) process notifies donors that their donation has become stranded and allows them to select an option to resolve the issue. Donors have 30 days to redirect their stranded funds.

Note: Some stranded funds are not SFA-eligible and will require manual resolution, such as transactions made through GrantsConnect. The Manual Quarterly Remediation process addresses these stranded funds.


  • This feature is translated and supports the transaction's currency.

  • Stranded Funds Automation is not segmentable.