User Profile (Core View)
To access a user profile from Core, select People finder. Then enter and select the name of the individual you want to work with. The selected individual's profile page appears.

View site permissions, roles, login information, content editor access, and pushpage editor access. Manage enrollment and transfer/sending school information for students.
See Access.

A platform manager can edit a student or staff member's homeroom and scheduling availability by department, as well as view the user's schedule.
For more information, see User scheduling settings.

A platform manager can view information about a user's involvement in academics, activities, athletics, advisory, community, course enrollment, dorms, activity groups.
If the user is a leader, rather than just a member, of a community group then a Leader indicator appears next to the group's name under Community.
To view information for previous or past years, select the academic year.
Tip: From the list of community groups for a user, you can select a group to quickly access the group’s page and view the group’s bulletin board. If an employee leaves your school, we recommend you use this list of community groups to access each group’s page, notify the group leaders, and remove the employee from groups when appropriate. Remember, past employees are not automatically removed from community groups when you withdraw the user from a current employee role.

A platform manager can edit the user's settings, without impersonating the user. For example:
Privacy settings - change how the user appears in the school directory and what information is displayed to others.
Notification settings - adjust which emails and texts the user receives

A platform manager can view information about the user's files and school forms. From here you can view status information, such as completed or pending, and print forms and files.
For information about creating forms, see School forms.
For information managing user files, see User files.
Note: For security purposes, some information (such as medical data) may not appear.
Any files shared from Files and Forms under Admissions Setup from the Enrollment management product will also appear here. For more information, see Files and Forms.

View, edit or delete information included on a user's contact card. For more information, see Contact card.
Information you manage from the contact card includes
Birth date
Marital status
Digital info (including email address and online presence for social media and web conferencing)
Citizenship, races, ethnicity, and language
Business and education information
Tip: A manager can print emergency contacts in bulk, such as to take on a field trip. From Core, select Analysis, Reports, and then search for "emergency" reports. See Reports for information about how to run a report.

This is a unique string of characters provided each user. Even when users have similar names, the user ID is different. It's used to track when a user takes action. When you impersonate someone, your user ID (rather than the user ID of the person you impersonated) is used to track your actions.
The User ID appears at the top of the user's profile page.

For some integrations, you might use the host ID to map a user ID in another database to the user in Blackbaud's School Management Solutions.
The Host ID appears at the top of the user's profile page.
Select the Edit icon to access the Edit host ID screen. From here, you can edit the host ID.

Schools use profile notices to alert staff and faculty to sensitive information about students.
For example, "Mom/Dad not allowed to pick student up from school."

Platform managers and contact card managers should regularly acknowledge data changes made to user profiles. For instructions, see handle profile changes.