Add Invoices in Payables
From Payables, Invoices, you add invoice records to request for payment from a vendor for goods or services rendered.
Tip: To save time and increase efficiency around data entry, select Import to create new invoice records using a .csv, .xls, or .xlsx file. You can download initial templates, add invoice details, upload, and import. Note that we're releasing this feature in waves. If you can't import yet, look for this enhancement in a future release.
From the list of payable invoices, select Add.
Enter General information about the invoice, such as vendor, invoice number, and post status, and select whether the approval status is Approved or Pending.
Note: In the Vendor field, you can enter a partial name to easily find the vendor or add a new one. For more information, see Add Vendors.
Enter Distributions. For more information, see Payable Invoice Distributions.
Interfund entry set - Select a set to balance the accounts if the debit and credit accounts aren't in the same fund. For more details, see Interfund Sets.
Distribute discounts to invoice expense accounts - Select to distribute discounts to invoice expense accounts, instead of the default discount account.
Enter Payment details.
For information about payment schedules, see Payment Schedules.
Payment method - Select the payment method, such as Check, EFT or Bank draft.
Remit to - Select the vendor address.
Paid from - Select the bank account.
Hold payment on this invoice - When you select this, the payment hold displays on the invoice record.
Always create a separate payment for this invoice - Select to send the invoice as a single payment to the vendor.
If this is a 1099 vendor, enter the 1099 fields. For more information, see 1099 Information.
Enter Credit memos. For more information, see Credit Memos.
Enter Discounts, such as the percent, amount, and date. The percent and amount fields update automatically. The amount updates when the invoice amount is changed. The percent defaults to the Receive a discount of value for the terms specified on the vendor.
Note: The expiration date updates automatically when the invoice date changes.
Enter Custom fields to add additional information to the invoice, and to further filter invoices when you search. For more information, see Custom Fields.
Under Attachments, you can add attachments to the invoice by moving a file into the Drag a file here box or by browsing to the file. You can also link to a file online — such as a picture, blog post, or YouTube video — or in a cloud storage account. For more information, see Attachments.
Select Save, or Save and new to add another invoice.
When adding an invoice for a vendor, copy an existing one to save time. When adding the new invoice, the vendor's last three invoices display on the right after you enter their name. If you don't see the invoice to copy, search for it by entering the description, amount, invoice date, or invoice number.
Once you locate the invoice to copy, select it to automatically populate information from that invoice, such as Amount, Payment method, and Distributions. After you edit this information as needed, you can add more information for the new invoice, such as 1099s, Discounts, and Custom fields.
Note: The Invoice date, Due date, and Invoice number fields don't copy from the previous invoice.