Create New Forms From Standard Product Templates

Standard product templates - or standard form templates - help you quickly build forms based on best practices. You can create new forms based on these templates, allowing you to fully customize them to your need.

  1. Navigate to the Grant Manager Portal by going to or your client URL. Sign in with your Blackbaud ID (BBID) or Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials.

  2. After signing in, select Program Setup in the side navigation and then Custom Forms.

  3. In Custom Forms, navigate to the Forms tab to view all available forms.

  4. To view all templates, either select the All forms filter and then Standard product templates OR search by the template name.

    Note: For a list of available templates, see the FAQs.

  5. Select the ellipsis icon next to the template and then Create form from template.

    Tip: Alternatively, you can create a new form and select the template you want to use in Start from template.

  6. In Create Custom Form, update the details for the new form. This includes the form name, description, etc.

  7. To continue, select Create and then...

Note: Any changes made to a copy of a standard product template are not applied to the original template.


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)