Create New Workflows

A workflow is required to create a grant program. Workflows contain multiple components - such as its structure (levels and sub-levels), assigned users, and routing.

  1. Navigate to the Grant Manager Portal by going to or your client URL. Sign in with your Blackbaud ID (BBID) or Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials.

  2. After signing in, select Program Setup in the side navigation and then Workflows.

  3. In Workflows, select Create workflow.

  4. In Create Workflow...

    1. Enter the workflow name.

    2. Enter a description for the workflow.

    In the Create Workflow screen, enter a name and description for the new workflow before selecting Next.

  5. Select Next to continue. The next steps in creating a workflow include:

    1. Add workflow levels and sub-levels.

    2. Assign users to levels and add Workflow Managers.

    3. Define the routes applications can take between each level.