Payment Type Data Element

Warning: All credit and debit card transactions must use the new checkout by March 2025 to meet Payment Card Industry standards. Configure your active, new, and recurring card payment forms with checkout to meet PCI standards before March 2025.

Payment options available to your donors on your donation form are set using the Payment Type data element. The options that you select in this element determine the fields that donors must complete to process a payment.

Several payment options exist in this data element, but you can only select payment options that are supported by the Merchant Account defined in the Donation Campaign associated with the donation form.

Note: A donation form's Merchant Account is set at the campaign level. See the financial options step in Manage Campaigns

Standard Layout donation forms allow you to customize the payment chooser that donors use to select a payment type when multiple options are available, such as default label text, selection list or buttons, or to preselect a payment type.

Note: Customizations are typically only available for Standard Layout donation forms. Responsive Layout donation forms use default text.

To optionally highlight that you accept PayPal payments, you can add a logo and statement to display on the donation form using this element.