Select the message stationery

Stationery is the layout, reusable set of images, and header and footer for your organization's emails, You can choose the default, blank stationery, or create a reusable one as described in Stationery.

  1. Navigate to Stationery in the message.

    1. Click Email > Email Campaigns.

    2. Click the Campaigns tab.

    3. In the Actions column for the appropriate campaign, click Manage.

    4. Click the Messages tab.

    5. In the Actions column of the appropriate message, click Edit.

    6. In the left-hand navigation pane, click Stationery.

  2. Select the stationery template for the message and click Next to continue to Write the Message as HTML Content or click Save.

    Note: Manage permissions to create, edit, and send messages, images, and stationery with security groups and categories. Security categories are applied separately to images, stationery, messages, campaigns, and websites to protect your product while allowing access to appropriate personnel. Personnel are added to security groups with access to different security categories. See How Security Categories Affect the Availability of Email Stationery, How Security Category Impacts Message Display, Image Naming Conventions and Security Categories to learn more.