Complete Compliance Agreements and Affiliations

YourCause clients may require organizations to accept compliance and complete affiliations to qualify for matching funds. Your organization would not be eligible for matching funds from those companies until these are resolved.

Note: You can view the definition of standard agreements in About YourCause Compliance Agreements.

How to complete or renew your compliance agreements

Compliance agreements are used by our partner companies to ensure the organizations they're matching to agree to a set standard of terms. You can manage these agreements for your organization in the Administration > Compliance / Affirmations area of NPOconnect.

Note: Active Nonprofit Administrators will be notified via email if you have outstanding compliance agreements to complete. A notification will also appear on the My Workspace page in NPOconnect.

  1. Navigate to Enter your email and then select Sign in to log in with your Blackbaud ID (BBID) account.

  2. After signing in, select Administration in the side navigation and then click on the Compliance / Affirmations tile.

  3. On the Compliance / Affirmations page, review the available agreements (e.g., Affirmations of Compliance...) and their status.

    Note: Agreements that need to be reviewed and accepted will be shown with an alert symbol and prompt to resolve the compliance. If the agreement has already been accepted, a green checkmark will be shown instead.


    Tip: The type of compliance agreements available may differ by client. Some have custom agreements while others use the standard YourCause Compliance Agreements only.

  4. If not yet complete, click on the arrow to the right of the item's name to expand the agreement and view the terms.

  5. After reading and reviewing it, click on I agree to the terms above to accept or I DO NOT agree to the terms above to resolve the compliance. If renewing, click on Renew compliance to accept the agreement.

    Warning: Selecting I DO NOT agree to the terms above may impact your eligibility for some programs.

Once accepted, compliance agreements are typically valid for two (2) years. When the agreement is set to expire and it is time to renew, you will be notified via email and an alert will appear in the Compliance / Affirmations area.


Select affiliations

Affiliations are used by our partner companies to help them find organizations that are a fit for their own CSR mission. In the Administration > Profile area, you should select any that apply to your organization or ongoing programs.

Note: For complete instructions, see Manage Your Nonprofit Profile > Affiliations.


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