AI Acknowledgements
With AI Acknowledgements, you can generate unique message content for your acknowledgement emails in less time. No matter how many acknowledgements you generate, the message is different each time, which provides a personalized touch for each donor.
To customize the message content, you need to first create AI profiles. These profiles are how you define the tone of voice of the message content, which gift details to include, and the message formatting. You can create multiple AI profiles to tailor the message content for different scenarios. For more information, see Add or edit an AI profile.
Note: From a constituent's record, under Notes, you can review AI acknowledgements that have already been sent.
From Fundraising, Gift acknowledgement, you can view:
Acknowledgements to review — a list of gifts that have not yet received an acknowledgement. For more information, see Acknowledgements to review
Email delivery failures — gifts where an AI acknowledgment was sent but for some reason was undeliverable. For more information, see Email delivery failures.
Configuration for AI profiles and AI acknowledgement templates. For more information, see AI acknowledgements configuration.
Note: Alternatively, you can send AI acknowledgements directly from a gift record. For more information, see Send AI Acknowledgement.