Constituent Giving
To help determine the impact a donor has on your organization, you can view and manage information about their giving from their record or a list. For a summary of the constituent's giving, view the details under Giving on their record — or under Giving summary on their full list of gifts — to determine how much and how often they give to your organization.
With the years giving and years consecutive totals, you can view a snapshot of the constituent's annual giving frequency and affinity for your organization.
The years giving total provides the number of fiscal years when the constituent gave — or received soft credit for — the gift types your organization views as recognition giving.
The years consecutive total provides how many of those years were back-to-back.
Tip: People who donate once are likely to do so again, analyze a constituent's giving to help gauge their likelihood to give again. For information, see RFM Giving Analysis.
The gifts received estimate provides the total amount received from the constituent, based on the cash-in-hand gift types your organization views as recognition giving:
Note: In the database view, one-time gifts appear as cash gifts. For more information, see Gift Types.
Payments toward pledges, recurring gifts, or matching gifts
Gifts of stock, sold stock, or Other
Note: The gifts received estimate abbreviates — rather than rounds — the constituent's total. For example, $1,567.00 appears as $1.5k.
To help prevent double-counting in a constituent's lifetime giving estimate, gifts received doesn't include soft credits.
The committed but not paid estimate provides their total amount outstanding from the constituent, based on the commitment gift types your organization views as recognition giving:
Matching gift pledges
Planned gifts
Recurring gifts
Note: The committed but not paid estimate abbreviates — rather than rounds — the constituent's total. For example, $1,567.00 appears as $1.5k.
The soft credits estimate provides how much the constituent has been credited for giving from others, such as their spouse or family foundation, based on the gift types your organization views as recognition giving. For more information, see Soft Credits.
Note: Unless your organization awards soft credit for personal giving, the soft credits estimate doesn't include soft credits on the constituent's own gifts.
Note: The soft credits estimate abbreviates — rather than rounds — the constituent's total. For example, $1,567.00 appears as $1.5k.
To help determine a constituent's overall value, the lifetime giving estimate provides their total amount given through the gift types your organization views as recognition giving.
To help prevent double-counting:
If you include both pledges and their payments as recognition giving, the lifetime giving estimate uses the pledge balance instead of the full amount.
If you include both one-time gifts and planned gifts as recognition giving, the lifetime giving estimate automatically subtracts any realized revenue from planned gift amounts.
Tip: If you include matching gift pledges or payments as recognition, the lifetime giving estimate considers only the matching gifts the corporation pledged or paid. For more information, see Giving Analysis Settings.
Note: The lifetime giving estimate abbreviates — rather than rounds — the constituent's total. For example, $1,567,890.00 appears as $1.5m.
Tip: In a list of constituents, you can use the Total giving filter to include donors based on how much they gave through all gift types, not including soft credits. For more information, see List Filters.
The first, latest, and greatest gifts provide when and how much the constituent gave with important milestone gifts — their initial, most recent, and largest gifts, respectively — over their lifetime with your organization.
The matching amounts provide a summary of the matching gifts received and pledged based on the constituent's giving, such as through their employer's matching gift program. For more information, see Matching Gifts.
Tip: To maximize giving, research whether your constituents' business relationships match their giving, and discuss with constituents how they can submit matching gift requests through their employers to increase the value of their gifts.
Tip: Admins! To best meet your organization's needs, choose which gift types to include as recognition giving. For more information, see Revenue and Recognition.
Tip: Under Giving history on a constituent's record, you can view a list of their gifts. For a full list of their gifts, select their Lifetime giving total under Giving or Work with gifts under Giving history. From the full list, you can manage the gift information as necessary, such as to filter and analyze by campaign or amount. For more information, see Giving History.