Add Gifts

This tutorial helps you add gifts in the web view with minimal effort. The types of gifts you can add are:

  • One-time

  • Recurring

  • Gift-in-kind

  • Stock/property

  • Pledge

  • Other

For detailed information about all the available gift types, see Gift Types. For information about how to enter a batch of gifts, see Gifts Overview.

Note: To add credit and debit card payments, payment processing must be set up. For more information, see Get Started with Payment Processing.

Add gift

Depending on your workflow, you can add a single gift from:

  • Home, New, Gift

  • Gifts, Overview, Add, Add single gift

  • A constituent record, Giving history, Add gift

Add gift details

The details you add vary based on how you navigate to enter the gift, the type of gift you select, and the payment method. For example, when you add a gift from Home, you must find the constituent giving the gift.

  1. In the Constituent field, search for the individual or organization who gave the gift. For a gift from a new constituent, select Add

  2. In the Amount and Gift date fields, enter how much the donor gave and when.

  3. In the Gift type field, choose whether the gift is one-time, recurring, gift-in-kind, stock/property, pledge, or other. For more information, see Gift Types.

Add gift details
Add gift details.

For recurring gifts, the schedule defaults to a monthly frequency starting on today's date. To make changes or to add an end date for the gift, select Edit schedule. For more information, see Recurring Gift Schedule.

For pledges, the schedule defaults to a monthly frequency starting on today's date. To change the date, frequency, and generate installments select Pledge schedule. For more information, see Pledge Schedule.

Note: By default, the frequency is Monthly and the number of installments is 1.

Set recurring gift schedule
Set pledge schedule.

For stock/property gifts, select Stock details to enter details such as the issuer and average price per unit. For more information, see Stock/Property Gifts.

Enter stock and property details
Enter stock and property details.

Add payment method

In the Payment method field, choose how the donor paid. When you choose credit card or direct debit, you also choose a payment configuration in the Process with field. A payment configuration includes information about the gateway, access credentials, fraud protection options, currencies, and credit card types that your processor supports.

Note: Stock/property and pledges do not have a payment method.

Note: You can record gifts with a payment method of PayPal or Venmo, but they do not process through Blackbaud Checkout.

Add fund

Under Gift splits, in the Fund field, choose the donor's intent for how you should use, such as toward a specific cause or financial purpose.

If the donor requested that you use their gift for more than one fundraising initiative, select Split this gift and indicate how much for fund.

Add a gift split when donors give to more than one fund
Add a gift split when donors give to more than one fund.

Save gift and process payment

After entering the required gift information, select Save to record the gift. If it is paid as a credit card or direct debit, the payment will process.

To find the gifts you add in the web view go to:

  • a constituent record, under Giving history

  • a gift list, in Lists, Gifts, Gift lists