Use award mode
Use Award Mode (also known as Applicant Centric Awarding) when you want to:
Speed up your awarding process
Focus on individual award recipients (instead of each opportunity)
Note: An enhanced Award Mode is available with limited availability. If all goes well based on feedback from the first clients who use the enhanced Award Mode, expect its wider release in a future update.
Go to Opportunity, Applicants (or any applications grid).
At the top right, select Award Mode.
For each applicant, use opportunity information to make awarding decisions:
Select Filters to adjust which opportunities are shown on the page. For example, you can select and filter on multiple scopes.
Select each opportunity to see more details.
Select application category and update for each opportunity as needed.
Tip: To include imported information on each applicant record, system admins can go to Site, Settings, User Imports and choose information under Applicant Centric Awarding.
At the top right, use the arrows to navigate to other applicant records.
Go to Opportunity, Applicants (or any applications grid).
To streamline awarding, add filters to your grid (especially Active App. in Current Cycle). For more guidance on system grids, see Work with system grids.
At the top right, select Award Mode.
For each applicant, use opportunity information to make awarding decisions:
Select Show Filters to adjust which opportunities are shown on the page
Select each opportunity to see more details
Update application categories for each opportunity as needed. If you make changes to application categories, select Update Applications
Tip: To include imported information on each applicant record, system admins can go to Site, Settings, User Imports and choose information under Applicant Centric Awarding.
At the top right, use the arrows to navigate to other applicant records.
When you're finished, select Return to Grid at the top right of the screen.
Tip: For more guidance on distributing awards, see Offer awards to applicants.