Work with user imports
Your user import contains applicant data from another system (e.g., student information system) that's important to your awarding process.
Go to Site, Settings, User Imports to set up your user import to improve data quality and streamline the application process.
Upload user imports
To set up an automated user import using cURL, go to Site, Settings, Import & Export Tools.
For more technical documentation, go to Site, Settings, Import & Export Tools, select API Documentation under Export Details at the bottom of the page.
Only System Administrators (and IT Administrators) have access to manually upload an import file.
Navigate to Site, Settings, User Imports.
Under User Import CSV, choose your .CSV file.
Select Update Settings.
Tip: For more technical guidelines, see Formatting requirements for import data and Compressing your import file.
User import settings
When looking at your import settings, you'll want to map the following fields to headers in your import file:
Email Header: Choose the field containing an applicant's primary email address
UID Header: If you're using Single Sign-On authentication, choose the field containing each User ID. For more information, see User authentication.
Institutional Commitment (if included in subscription): Choose a field containing information about the total funding commitment to specific applicants. For more information, see Track institutional commitment.
Renewal Termination Date (if included in subscription): Specifies when to cancel any remaining iterations of a renewable award. For more information, see Set up and manage renewable awards.
Normally, data from your applicant import keeps updating until you archive an opportunity. This way, admins are aware of any changes related to an applicant's status (GPA, major, etc.).
Occasionally, however, admins may want applicant data to "freeze" before an opportunity is archived. Freezing import data allows admins to preserve the data used in awarding decisions (e.g., GPA at the time of awarding).
To stop import data from updating on apply-to, auto-match, renewal, and post-acceptance applications:
Go to Site, Settings, User Imports.
Under User Import Settings, decide how many days import data should update after an opportunity's Internal End Date.
Blank: Imported applicant data updates until an opportunity is archived
0: Imported application data updates until an opportunity's Internal End Date
1+: Imported application data updates until x days after an opportunity's Internal End Date
Note: A new day begins at 12:00 AM in your time zone.
At the bottom of the page, select Update Settings.
Note: The User Import Offset only affects which imported data is visible on opportunity applications. If you look at imported data on an applicant's General or Conditional Applications, it'll keep updating until these applications are archived. For more guidance on archiving applications, see Clean up your system.
Sometimes, applicants might not have been admitted, chose to pursue other opportunities, or graduated.
By marking these applicants as Inactive, you can:
Prevent them from receiving system-wide emails
Add a special identifier to their records (which can be used in qualifications)
To inactivate applicant accounts:
Go to Site, Settings, User Imports.
In Inactive Applicant Header, choose a header from your import file.
Tip: To protect existing qualifications, you can only choose unmapped import headers.
In Inactive Applicant Answer, enter the answer that marks an applicant as inactive. The value is case-sensitive and must exactly match the value in the import file for the applicant to be marked as inactive. Applicants with any other answer (e.g., blank) will be considered active.
Select Update Settings.
After your next user import, you'll see the following columns:
Active Applicant in all application, review, and user lists
Inactive in applicant-centric awarding
Active Gen. App. in Current Cycle in Opportunity, Applicants.
To re-activate an inactive account, update your import file.
Note: For more information about why you can't delete users from your system, see Tidy up your system.
Applicant centric awarding
For more details, see Use award mode.
User import notifications
When looking at your import notification settings, you can adjust your notifications in the following ways:
Import Feedback: Receive an automated email after each import that tells you whether the file was uploaded successfully
Weekly Import Summary: Receive weekly emails about the status (and potential errors) in multiple imports
Import Not Received: Receive an automated email after each import that tells you whether the data was populated correctly
Delivery Offset: Set a delay for your Import Not Received email
Email Recipients: Determine who should receive import notifications. Select Add Another to include multiple emails.
Details from recent user import
On the User Imports page, view the import status information under Details from Recent User Import.
Last Import: To download a copy of the most recent data file and check the contents, select the timestamp link.
Processing Status : Displays the processing status of the file.
Enqueued: Ready to process. Number of Rows Received and Imported will not be updated.
Succeeded: The file has been processed by the system. The file did not necessarily contain acceptable data. To determine if all data was acceptable, see Was the file imported successfully? below.
Failed: This file failed to be processed by the system. Check the formatting of the file as well as the verbose log — if using cURL command — to determine the cause of the error.
Incomplete: Some information was successfully imported, while other information caused an error. Select the file name on the import page to view error messages.
Number of Rows Received: The number of records — not counting the row of column headings — in the file.
Number of Rows Imported: The number of records that are currently available to provide data to student applications. That is, the number of rows in the most recent successful data import file - minus the row of column headings.
The import information can provide insight into several possible scenarios:
Number of Rows Received and Number of Rows Imported match exactly: Indicates the file succeeded with no errors or duplicate entries.
Number of Rows Received too large or too small: Indicates there was an error that caused extraneous or compacted rows of data (which could be related to parsing or other configurations.)
Number of Rows Imported exact or slightly fewer than Number of Rows Received: Indicates that the import of the file was successful. A slightly smaller number of Rows Imported suggests that the file may have contained some duplicate entries (that were thrown out) but in general the file is acceptable.
Number of Rows Imported greater than Number of Rows Received: Indicates the file likely failed to import successfully. If the Number of Rows Imported is greater than the contents of the file, it suggests that the system is maintaining records from the previous successful file because the most recent file failed.
Tip: To learn how to add new fields to your user import data, see Add new user import data.