Offer awards to applicants
Once you've reviewed your applicants, you can make award offers — either by applicant or in bulk — from the opportunity's Applications tab.
Tip: Before making award offers, double check your system's categories and opportunity communications.

As you work through any application grid, you'll encounter the following data points to help you make awarding decisions:
General Application Score: A weighted average of all reviews of an applicant's General Application, normalized to a 100-point scale
Conditional Application Score: A weighted average of all reviews of a applicant's related conditional application, normalized to a 100-point scale
Opportunity Score: A weighted average of all reviews of an applicant's opportunity application, normalized to a 100-point scale
Reviewer Score: A weighted average of all included reviewer scores (opportunities, related conditional application, and general application), normalized to a 100-point score. For more detail, see Reviewer score calculations or Reviewing applications.
Encumbered Applications and Funds: See how many awards and how much funding an applicant has already received
Institutional Commitment (if configured): See how much required funding an applicant has remaining. For more guidance, see Track institutional commitment.
Qualification Points: The number of qualifications groups met by an applicant.
Tip: Select the number of Qualification Points to see how an applicant compared to each qualification group.

While logged in as an administrator, select Opportunity, Portfolios, All.
Open an opportunity record.
At the top right, select Applications. For more information about working with grids, see Work with system grids.
Select one or more applications.
At the bottom of the page, select Act on Selected, Categorize.
Select Offered.
Designate the amount per applicant you want to award. If your system uses Award Period tags, you can also select an award period.
Tip: To adjust the minimum or maximum award amounts, go to the Details tab of the related opportunity.
Select Update.
If your applicants don't receive an offer email, check the settings of your communications and application categories.
For more guidance, see Recommended category settings, Set up communication templates. and Customize opportunity communications.
Tip: To offer awards more efficiently, use Award Mode. For more details, see Use award mode.