Monitor renewable awards
You can find and track renewal applications from multiple places in your system:
Individual opportunities: On a renewal opportunity record, select Applications
Individual applicants: On an applicant record, select Applications. You'll be able to see all past, present, and projected future disbursements of the award.
Entire portfolios: On a renewal opportunity record, select Applications
Entire system: Go to Opportunity, Portfolios, Renewal Applications
For more guidance on using system grids, see Work with system grids.
To give awards from a renewal opportunity:
Make sure the Start Date has passed for your latest Disbursement Period. Unless you're using selective disbursements, your system will automatically create a new renewal opportunity and new renewal applications (in the Pending category).
On the opportunity record, go to Applications.
Select one or more applications.
At the bottom of the grid, select Act on Selected, Categorize.
Choose an application category:
If you need additional information from your applicants (i.e., the Source includes General Application or Supplemental), choose Requested
If you don't need additional information from your applicants (i.e., the Source is either Imported or None), go to step 7
If you requested additional information, wait for applications to move to the Submitted category.
Tip: Before you begin awarding renewable awards, review your message templates in Site, Settings, Message Templates.
If you've set up qualifications for your renewal opportunity, use the Qualifications Points column to quickly evaluate applicant compliance.
If applicants meet your awarding criteria, select Act on Selected, Categorize. Then choose Awarded.
If the category encumbers funds, you can designate an amount per applicant you want to award and select an available custom award period. For more information, see Award Periods.
Tip: To learn more about custom application categories for renewal awards, see Renewal application categories.
Occasionally, you might need to manually select applicants for a renewable award.
To bring applicants into the initial "gateway" award, follow the process described in Manage special awarding situations.
Then, to manually apply applicants into a renewal disbursement period, follow the process described in Use selective renewal disbursements.