Set up renewal portfolios
To create renewable awards in your system, you'll want to update:
Individual portfolios
System settings
Note: Only certain subscriptions have access to renewable awards.

A renewable award portfolio functions almost the same as a regular award portfolio, but with a few small differences.
To create a renewable award portfolio:
Create a new portfolio.
The initial opportunity serves as the "gateway" into the renewable award. For more context, see How renewable awards work.
For more guidance on creating portfolios, see Create a new portfolio.
Note: You can only use Apply-to or Auto-match opportunities for renewable awards.
On the portfolio record, go to the Details tab.
Under Renewal Settings, Enter the following information:
Award Iterations: Sets the total number of award disbursements included in the renewable award
Note: The Award Iterations includes the initial opportunity award. So, if you're planning an award given to Freshman, renewed once per year, and lasting four years, you'd have 4 iterations.
Disbursement Periods: Sets the dates for each renewal opportunity:
Start Date: When new renewal applications will be generated. Must be at least one day in the future.
End Date: Provides deadline for applicant responses. Only necessary if collecting additional information from General Applications or supplemental renewal questions
Selective Renewals: For more information, see Use selective renewal disbursements
Add Another: Use if your award renews more than once per year
Note: Disbursement periods don't include years because they're intended to work across multiple years.
Anticipated Total Amount: Specifies the dollar amount an applicant can expect to receive over the full duration of an award (as long the applicant stays in compliance)
Anticipated Total Amount Applicant Visible?: Decide whether to show this amount to applicants
Renewals start at: Enter a renewal start date for opportunities. Renewal applications are created for awards on opportunities that start after the specified date.
Select Update Portfolio.

To deal with special circumstances around renewable awards, you may want to create custom renewal categories.
These categories take advantage of the special Award Effects attached to Renewal Management & Post-Acceptance categories:
Disburses Funds
Disburses Funds, Then Cancels Future Disbursements: Often used as a final category
Defers Current Disbursement: Doesn't award funds, but also doesn't use an award iteration
Cancels Current and Future Disbursements: Often used if applicants fall way out of compliance
Tip: For more guidance on categories, see Manage application categories.

To specifies a date to cancel remaining iterations of a renewable award (i.e., graduation date), see Renewal termination date.
To adjust the following settings, contact Blackbaud Support:
First Renewal Application Offset: Prevents an applicant from receiving a renewal too soon after receiving the initial opportunity award
Renewal Application Termination Offset: Prevents an applicant from receiving a renewal scheduled too close to their termination date
Tip: For more on cloning and archiving renewable awards, see Clone and archive renewal opportunities.