Use selective renewal disbursements
Admins may want to create an additional, limited award disbursement, such as for:
Summer or winter coursework
Additional years of study

On your renewable portfolio, go to the Details tab.
Under Renewal Settings, Disbursement Periods, select Add Another.
Enter dates for your disbursement period. For more guidance, see Set up renewal portfolios.
Select Selective Renewals?.
Select Update Portfolio.

Once the disbursement reaches its Start Date, you'll see a new renewal opportunity in the portfolio.
However, selective disbursements won't automatically create new renewal applications. Selective disbursements aren't meant for everyone, just specific applicants.
Instead, admins need to manually select which applicants should receive this disbursement:
On your renewable portfolio, go to the Encumbered Applicationstab.
Select one or more applications.
At the bottom of the grid, select Act on Selected, Apply.
Based on the disbursement's Start Date, select the appropriate opportunity.
Select Apply.
From here, you'll award selective disbursements the same way you would a normal disbursement. For more guidance, see Monitor renewable awards .