Monitor reviews
Once you've set up your reviewer groups and collected your applications, it's time to monitor your reviewers' progress.
Before any communications are sent out or reviews assigned, your opportunities have to have reached their Begin Review Period date.
If you're encountering unexpected issues, make sure the Begin Review Period and End Review Period dates are set on your opportunity's Details tab.
Reviewers receive default communications from your system when they're:
Invited to be a reviewer (once)
Assigned new reviews (daily)
To learn more about these communications, see Reviewer system access.
Note: To learn more about one-off email messages or seeing previous emails sent to a user account, see Send one-off emails and Work with user accounts.
To make sure your reviewers are on track for completion, you can follow their progress.
To evaluate reviewer overall progress, go to the Reviews, Reviewers tab of an opportunity.
To see more detailed information (such as reviewer scores and status on each application, go to the Reviews, All Reviews tab of an opportunity.
From the All Reviews page, admins commonly:
Compare evaluations of a single applicant: Enter the name of an applicant into the Applicant Name search box to compare all saved or submitted evaluations of the particular applicant
Compare all evaluations from a particular reviewer: Enter the name or email address of a reviewer to compare all of their evaluations
Compare all responses to a particular evaluation question: Enter a desired response into the search box above a particular question to view any application where evaluators selected that response
Export the data as an Excel fileWork with your information offline or share it with others outside your system
Tip: You can also track reviewer progress from the Reviewers tab of each reviewer group.
Occasionally, reviewers will not be able to complete their reviewing assignments.
Warning: If you remove a reviewer from a group, you'll lose all their completed work.
If your group uses manual assignment, un-assign and re-assign incomplete reviews as needed. For more guidance, see Manually assign applications to reviewers.
If your group uses a variant of automatic assignment (except for Every application to every reviewer):
On your reviewer group, go to the Reviewers tab.
On one or more reviewer record, select Locked?
Select Update Reviewers.
Your system will:
Redistribute the remaining reviews evenly among the remaining reviewers
Preserve the work done by the Locked reviewer
Not assign further reviews to the Locked reviewer
Note: To re-assign completed reviews, your system administrator will need to go to the Reviews tab of the opportunity and change each review's status from Submitted to Drafted.
Tip: If you're a system admin, don't forget about your reviewer reports in Site, Settings, System Reports.