Distributions determine the monetary amounts to allocate to accounts and projects. You can also select to distribute amounts to grants, transaction codes, and custom fields.

You distribute record amounts, such as a $200.00 asset amount. Be aware that rounding may impact the distribution amounts and it's possible to have a remaining amount. If you have a remaining amount, it displays in the footer at the end of the page.
Under Distributions, enter the amount to distribute in line 1 and select the account, project, grant, or transaction code for the distribution.
Tip: To save time, select More to apply a distribution set. Distribution sets default the information you need in the line instead of selecting it in each column.
To continue defining the distribution across other accounts or projects, add the additional lines you need and select the applicable information.
To evenly distribute the amount across multiple lines, select More, Distribute evenly.
The options for distributing an amount depend on the feature area.
To equally distribute the record amount across multiple lines, select More, Distribute evenly.
To distribute different amounts based on a percentage, select More, Distribute by percent, and enter the different percents in the Percent column. The percentages must total 100% to save the distribution.
If you need to distribute the amount across multiple projects or transaction codes, select
in the split column. Here, you can select to apply a project distribution set and you can also select to split the line amount evenly.
If the distribution grid includes the Credit account and Debit account columns, you can select More to hide the secondary credit account column. The debit accounts continue to display in the Account column.
In the Custom fields column, select a custom field and enter its value, date, and comments to continue distributing the amount. You can report on these fields to analyze your distributions.
Tip: You can include as many custom fields as you need. To add another one, select Add custom field. For more information, see Custom Fields.

You add distributions throughout the solution to allocate amounts for expenses and receivables. The options and features for a distribution depend on the feature area.
Journal entry
Adjustment Categories (for credit cards)
Expense Management
Expense Management Settings
Fixed assets

To resolve error messages you see entering distributions, review our Knowledgebase articles.