Total Web Solution
As Blackbaud Financial Edge NXT shifts to a total web solution, we're moving features from database view exclusively to web view. As this shift progresses, we'll remove access to these features in database view.
To reduce the risk of service interruptions, gather feedback, and scale as needed, we're releasing these updates in waves instead of deploying everything at once.
To track details and timelines, bookmark this page. To review new features as they're made available in web view, review What's New.
Database view features - waves that are in progress
Under each feature area listed below, use Wave dates to understand when a feature area will begin to turn off in database view. If your organization is included in a wave, you will no longer have access to that specific feature beginning on the date listed. It's important to know that you may receive the updates immediately or in a future release.

In addition to reviewing the following list, you can also watch general ledger videos.
Waves began August 2024.
Records - Grants
Journal entry
Waves began December 2024.
Configuration - Fee schedules and Allocation pools
Waves begin March 2025.
Journal entry (initial waves began in August; additional waves begin in March)
Consolidation maps
Currency exchange rates
Import subsidiary information
Re-translate General ledger transactions
Delete subsidiary batches
Revalue balances and year-to-date activity

In addition to reviewing the following list, you can also watch payables videos.
Waves began August 17, 2023.
Payables processing page - In database view, this page provided a central location for you to access common tasks. In web view, you can now access each of those tasks under Payables.
Waves began April 2024.
Admin - Payables setup
Waves began September 2024.
Configuration - Activity types (US), Sales tax items, and GST tax IDs
Waves began October 2024.
Admin - Electronic signatures
Waves began January 2025.
Configuration - Business rules
Records (US) - Vendors and Invoices
Waves begin February 2025.
Recurring invoices
Waves begin March 2025.
Admin - Payables setup
Records - Purchase orders, Products, and Requisitions (applies to requisitions from database view, not WebPurchasing)

In addition to reviewing the following list, you can also watch receivables videos.
Waves began April 2024.
Configuration - Posting
Waves began August 2024.
Configuration - General, Terms, Aging, and Statement info
Waves began September 2024.
Waves begin February 2025.
Records - Credits, Deposits, Payments, Charges, Invoices, and Clients
Calculate finance charges
Mail - Statements, Print invoices, and Print receipts
Waves begin April 2025.
Refunds and Refund checks
Configuration - Business rules

Waves began October 2024.
Admin - Globally change records
Waves began January 2025.
Waves begin February 2025.
Waves begin April 2025.
Payment processing (including check logos and electronic signatures)
Banks - Records and Reconciliation
Database view features - waves that are complete
Under each feature area listed below, use Wave dates to understand when a feature area fully turned off in database view, except where noted.

Waves completed April 12, 2024.
General ledger processing page
Visual chart organizer
General ledger setup
Lock beginning balances
Configuration - General, Business rules, Account codes, Account setup, Transaction codes, and Fund configuration
Records - Budgets
Waves completed May 1, 2024.
Close, Summarize, and Purge fiscal years
Configuration - Fiscal years
Waves completed July 25, 2024.
Reports - Accounts, Grants, Journal, and Batch
Waves completed July 26, 2024.

Waves completed January 7, 2025.
Records - Credit memos (US)
Records - Receipts
Reports - Bank account, Custom, Invoice, Pivot, Purchase order, Reconciliation, and Vendor
Waves completed January 6, 2025.
Aatrix 1099, Tax report history
Mail - Forms, Labels, Cards, and Envelopes
Waves completed October 30, 2024.
Default accounts
Waves completed August 21, 2024.
Purge vendor
Purge vendor activity
Waves completed August 19, 2024.
Configuration - Misc line items, Products, Categories, Approval rules, and Expense categories
Activity types (Canada and Australia)
Waves completed August 18, 2024.
Merge vendor
Waves completed August 9, 2024.
Waves completed April 19,2024.
Configuration - General, Terms, Aging info, Address, and Default accounts

Waves completed November 21, 2024.
Records - Product and Billing items
Admin - Post
Waves completed October 21, 2024.
Configuration - Business rules
Waves completed November 5, 2024.
Configuration - Default accounts

Waves completed July 31, 2024.
Cash receipts is now exclusively in web view. Most cash receipt records are now in Treasury. Cash receipts retained its name in web view (previously, we communicated that the term Miscellaneous payments would replace Cash receipts). In a future release, look for Query, Import, and Export to be fully available in web view.

Waves completed April 1, 2024.
Fixed assets is now exclusively in web view. In a future release, look for Query, Import, and Export to be fully available in web view.

Waves completed April 12, 2024.
View system statistics - In database view, this page provided a central location for you to view system statistics. In web view, you can find this info within each feature area or by using dashboards in Analysis.
Validate database - This feature is specific to database view and will not be available in web view.
Configuration - Tables, Attributes (Custom fields in web view), Fields (System fields in web view), Distributions, and Interfunds
Waves completed July 27, 2024.
Configuration - International
The ability to work with international addresses is now exclusively in web view and is no longer available in database view.
Waves completed July 29, 2024.
Admin - set up system security
For some customers who do not use WebPurchasing, the ability to set up system security is now exclusively in web view and is no longer available in database view. For more information, see Record Security.
Database view features that aren't moving to web view
Some database view features are deferred and considered out-of-scope for the completion of total web solution.

Some database view features are deferred and considered out-of-scope for the completion of total web solution.
For details and reasoning, review database view features that aren't moving to web view. This resource also includes recommendations on how to accomplish database view tasks in a similar way in web view, even without full feature implementation.
Note: To request integration of these features into web view, you can add or vote on ideas in the Financial Edge NXT Community. Based on demand, our strategy may shift.
Tip: To stay up-to-date on Financial Edge NXT, we recommend monitoring other resources, including What's Next, Financial Post in the Community, Product Update Briefing (PUBs), and Knowledgebase.