Reviewer Recommended Funding Amount Fields

The Reviewer recommended funding amount field allows Grant Managers to submit a recommendation regarding the funding amount of grant requests.

About this field

Note: This field is available in Grant Manager forms only.

When added to a form, the Reviewer recommended funding amount field with default settings appears as shown below.

Note: The currency type for this field is your organization's default currency.


Add to a form

  1. Navigate to the Program Setup > Custom Forms area.

  2. Create a new form or edit an existing one.

  3. In the Form Builder toolbox, select the Capture group and then Standard components.

  4. Click on the Reviewer recommended funding amount field and drag it onto the form.

  5. Configure the field as desired.

  6. Save your updates to the form.


Configure field settings

  1. In the Form Builder, hover over the field and click on the pencil icon (i.e., Edit component).

  2. In the Configuration screen, update the field's settings by selecting the tabs below.

  3. Save your updates to the form.


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)