Define Routes Within Workflows

Routes can be defined for each workflow level and sub-level when setting up the overall workflow. These routes dictate the levels to which applications can advance once review in its current level has been completed.

Tip: This process can be used in conjunction with the other Workflow Level Automation methods. Additionally, automated routing does not prevent manual routing.

  1. Navigate to the Program Setup > Workflows area.

  2. Either create a new workflow or edit an existing one.

  3. Select the Users and Routes tab.

  4. Select the Routes button next to the workflow level or sub-level.

  5. In the Manage Routes screen, update the eligible workflow levels that an application can advance to when in this level.

    1. Select the arrow next to the level in the Available Workflow Levels section to add it to the Applications in this level can advance to section.

      Note: Only active workflow levels and sub-levels will be shown. Any levels that have been disabled will not appear in this list.

    2. Select the x icon next to the level in the Applications in this level can advance to section to remove it from the workflow level's routing.

  6. Save all changes to update the routing.