Contact Information
To help improve your reach
Under Addresses, you can view and manage the street or mailing address of the individual or organization. To help decide which address to use, you can view which are marked as preferred or primary , primary employment , “in season” or “do not mail” . You can view up to two (or three, with an “in season” seasonal address), with the primary or “in season” address first. To view any additional addresses, such as previous residences, select and more. For more information, see Addresses.
Under Email addresses, you can view and manage the email addresses used to contact the individual or organization. To help decide which email address to use, you can select a status of primary , "do not email" , or inactive . You can view up to three email addresses, with the primary address first. To view any additional email addresses, such as those previously used, select and more. For more information, see Email Addresses.
Tip: To email the constituent, select the email address to start a message in your default email client.
Under Phone numbers, you can view and manage the telephone numbers used to call or text message the individual or organization. To help decide which number to call, you can view which are marked as preferred or primary , inactive , or “do not call” . You can view up to three phone numbers, with the primary number first. To view any additional phone numbers, such as for previous residences, select and more. For more information, see Phone Numbers.
Tip: Depending on your browser or device, select the phone number to call the constituent, such as on your phone or through Skype or another voice-over-Internet protocol (VoIP) application.
Under Online presence, you can view and manage the social media accounts, blogs, or websites of the individual or organization. To help decide where to reach or track the constituent or contact online, you can select a status of primary or inactive . You can view up to five websites or social media pages, with the one marked primary first. To view any additional online presence, such as a Tumblr or company blog, select and more. For more information, see Online Presence.
Tip: To help reduce clutter, inactive contact information doesn't appear under Contact information. To view inactive information, select Include inactive.
Tip: To track rules of contact for the constituent regardless of their contact information, use solicit codes. For more information, see Solicit Codes.