Gift Records
Gift records represent the money you raise to support your
Tip: For information about how to manage records, see Gifts.

At the top of the record, you can view pertinent information about the gift, including its amount, donor, type, credited fundraisers, and more. For details, see Gift Record Overview.

When your organisation receives a gift, it's nice to thank the donor and acknowledge their generosity. In addition, to help donors track their giving for tax purposes, you should provide receipts for their gifts. Under Acknowledgements and receipts, you can view whether you sent the donor an acknowledgement letter or receipt for the gift. If so, you can view additional details about the letter or receipt, including when you sent it. For more information, see Acknowledgements and Receipts.
For gifts that haven't been acknowledged, you can select Send AI acknowledgment to send an acknowledgement with uniquely generated AI message content. For more information, see AI Acknowledgements.

Under Attachments, you can manage files related to the gift, such as a PDF of the formal gift agreement or an image of a cheque. For more information, see Attachments.

With the optional Membership Management module, in database view you can set up membership programmes to encourage donor loyalty. To help incentivise constituents to become members, your organisation may offer exclusive benefits — such as reduced admission, t-shirts, or other merchandise — to thank them for their continued support. On the gift record of a membership dues payment, you can view the details about these incentives under Benefits. For each benefit, you can view how many the member receives, its worth to both you and the member, and when you sent or fulfilled it. For more information, see Membership Benefits.

Under Consolidated receipts, you can see which consolidated receipts you've emailed to the constituent. For each consolidated receipt, you can see the date range of the gifts, the number of gifts included on the receipt, and the total amount. For more information, see .

Your organisation may receive gifts as the result of fundraisers assigned to cultivate donor relationships or manage opportunities. Under Credited to, you can view who helped solicit it and how much credit they receive for its acquisition. For more information, see Fundraisers.

Under Custom fields, you can manage specialised information your organisation tracks about the gift, such a whether a reminder for payment was sent. For each field, you can view its name — or "category" — and value. You can also view when the field was added and comments about its information. For details, see Custom Fields.
Tip: In the database view, custom fields are called attributes. You can manage them on the Attributes tab of the gift record.
Note: To help you report on gifts from donation forms, Donation Form Name, Donation Referral URL, and Donation Transaction ID are automatically added to gift records.
Note: Gifts that synchronize from JustGiving include the following custom fields on their gift records: JG Fundraiser, JG Fundraising Page URL, and JG Campaign. For more information, see Custom fields on new Gifts from JustGiving.

Under Fundraising details, you can view information about the value and intent of the gift and how you asked for it. For more information, see Gift Fundraising Details.

To increase the effectiveness of your fundraising, we recommend you track and analyse how — and why — you acquire each gift you receive.
Tip: In the database view, you can manage the gift's marketing and tracking codes on the Miscellaneous tab of its record.

Many corporations offer programs that match employees’ giving to eligible nonprofits. You can view details about matching corporate giving on records of both the original gift and the matching gift pledge.
On the record of the original gift, you can view the details about any matching corporate gifts under Matching gifts. For each matching gift, you can view its corporation, how much was pledged or received (and when), and the fund it was applied toward.
On the record of the corporation’s matching gift pledge, you can view details about their payments toward the commitment under Pledge payments. For each payment, you can view how much (and when) they matched and how much was left to pay (if any).
For more information, see Matching Gifts.

To maintain a complete record of a gift, we recommend you save notes to track details about the giving, such as its donor's intent, any special conditions, or and how you acquired the gift. With this information, you can learn from effective fundraising tactics and help ensure your organisation respects the donor's wishes. On a gift's record, you can view these details under Notes. For more information, see Notes.
Tip: In the database view, you can manage the gift's notes on the Miscellaneous tab of its record.

Donors can use a variety of methods — such as cash, personal or business cheque, credit card, or direct debit — to pay for gifts. Under Payment information, you can view how the donor paid for it and related pertinent details. For more information, see Payment Information.

On a recurring gift, you can view details of the current instalment’s status for a recurring gift and attempts to make the payment that result in success or failure. It can be helpful during phone calls with donors because you can view the most up to date status of their recurring gifts and troubleshoot failures. For more information, see Payment Instalment Status.

With PlannedGiftTracker, you can track gifts your organisation expects to receive from a donor through a bequest, estate, or life insurance policy. On the record of a planned gift, you can view which method — or vehicle — the donor selected to specify the gift conditions and additional pertinent details about it under the vehicle’s name. You can also view the items of value — such as share or property — it includes. For more information, see Planned Gifts.

Pledges are commitments to donate in the future with a single gift or through multiple instalments, such as a gift of $1200 as 12 monthly payments of $100. On the record of a pledged gift, you can view pertinent details about how much the donor already paid and has left to pay — as well as how those payments compare to the instalment schedule — under Pledge summary and Pledge burndown. You can also view details about the instalments — such as how often (and how many) the donor pledged to pay and the full list with details about each — under Pledge schedule. For more information, see Pledges.

Tip: Don't see this feature? Recognition credits are only available when the JustGiving Integration is enabled. For more information, see JustGiving Integration with Raiser's Edge NXT.
With recognition credits, you can credit those who influenced the gift. On a gift record, you can view who receives a recognition credit for the gift amount under Recognition credits. For more information, see Recognition Credits.

Recurring gifts are commitments to donate at regular intervals, such as through automatic monthly gifts of $50. On the record of a recurring gift, you can view a synopsis of the recurring gift, including its payment schedule and history, current status, and any amendments under Recurring gift summary. You can also view details about each payment, amendment, or skipped or failed transaction made toward the gift under Recurring gift history. For more information, see Recurring Gifts.

Under Related transactions on a gift’s record, you can view information about other, related records:
Matching gifts
Recurring gifts
Planned gifts
For each transaction, you can view the type of gift you received, when the donor gave it, and the name of the event or membership. You can also select the name of the donor, how much they gave, or the name of the opportunity to view linked records.

With soft credits, you can recognise multiple constituents for a gift, such as to credit someone for the giving of their spouse or foundation. Under Soft credits, you can view details about who receives credit for the gift and for how much. For more information, see Soft Credits.

Share/property gifts are contributions of share certificates, land, or estates, which your organisation may opt to keep or sell to benefit your fundraising efforts. On the record of a gift of shares or property, you can view pertinent details — such as its value when you received and sold it — under Share/property. For more information, see Share/Property Gifts.

With Honour/Memorial Tracking, you can track detailed information about gifts given in honour, memory, or celebration of an individual or organisation. Under Tributes, you can view who the giving commemorates. For each tribute, you can view the reason for the gift — such as “in honour of” or “for the anniversary of” — and who to notify that you received it (and when). For more information, see Tributes.
Note: For information about how to add or manage gifts, see Gifts.