Set up and manage renewable awards
Use renewable awards to distribute funds over a specified period of time (e.g., quarterly, annually).
These awards often include compliance checks to ensure that applicants are maintaining certain standards (major, GPA, etc.).
Note: Renewable awards are only included in certain subscriptions of Award Management.

Renewable awards are a bit like a Ferris wheel:
You first get into the renewable award by receiving an initial opportunity award (i.e., an attendant allows you to get onto the Ferris wheel)
Each award has a set number of iterations or times you can renew an award (i.e., the number of revolutions per ride on the Ferris wheel)
Between each iteration of the award, admins can check for applicant compliance (i.e., the attendant making sure you're not causing a disturbance)
After all iterations are complete, applicants exit the renewable award (i.e., you have to get off the Ferris wheel at some point)

Set up communication templates: Update the Renewal Application Request to make sure you're communicating the right information to applicants.
Tip: Since this template is used for all renewable awards, don't add information specific to a single award.

Set up renewal portfolios: Update individual portfolios (and other parts of your system) to make them ready for renewals
Set up future renewal opportunities: For each iteration of your award, determine dates, award amounts, and compliance criteria
Monitor renewable awards : Track applications, distribute awards, and force apply applicants (if necessary)
Clone and archive renewal opportunities: Learn what (slight) adjustments to make when cloning and archiving renewal opportunities
Use selective renewal disbursements (optional): Adjust renewal disbursements to account for unique situations