Bank Account Records
The bank account record stores all bank account information you need to track and manage, such as account and routing numbers, current and minimum balances, bank details, adjustment categories, as well as any notes you want to associate with the bank account.
From the bank account record in Treasury, Bank accounts, you can add alerts and adjustments, open the register, reconcile, and close accounts.
Tip: When bank feeds are enabled, reminders display at the top of the record. For example, when downloaded transactions do not automatically match, a reminder appears at the top of the record displaying the number of transactions that were not automatically matched. A reminder also displays when the linked, online bank account needs to be updated. For more information, see Bank Feeds.

Bank details displays bank address and contact information. You can edit this information at any time.
When viewing contact information, keep in mind you can use the active links to interact with the contact. For example, depending on your browser or device, you can select the phone number link to call the contact through Skype or another voice-over-Internet protocol (VoIP) application. To email the contact, simply select the email address to start a message in your default email client. To get directions to or familiarize yourself with the contact’s location, you can select the address link to view it in Google Maps.

Adjustment categories displays the adjustment categories associated with the bank account. The grid displays the adjustment category, type, amount, and transfer account information. From here, you can also add adjustment categories. For more information about adding adjustment categories, see Adjustment Categories.

Pay invoices displays the bank account's approved invoices due on or before the date you select, such as today or a specific date. Use the dashboard to quickly view balances, expected payment amounts, and a breakdown of invoice amounts based on payment method.
From Pay invoices, you can:
Print checks
Download EFT file
Format check settings
Void selected computer checks
Delete voided computer checks
Renumber computer checks
Generate prenote
For more information, see Pay Invoices.

Subledger settings displays which subledgers use this bank account.

Notes displays the notes you've created for the bank account. To add notes, select Add. For more information, see Notes.

History displays all changes made to the bank account, including date, what changed, and who changed it.

Bank feed history displays recent bank feeds. To view the entire history for the account, select View all activity. For more information about bank feed history, see Bank Feeds History List.

You can edit a bank account at any time. For example, you may need to change the bank account description or minimum balance. To edit from the bank account record, select Edit, make any necessary changes and select Save.

To generate checks, or create an EFT file, select Process payments. For more information, see Print Checks.

As you work with records, you may want to add an alert for yourself or another user. From the action bar of a bank account, select Add an alert. For more information about alerts, see Alerts.

The bank register displays information about every transaction in a particular bank account. To open the bank register, select the Register tab. For more information about the bank register, see Bank Register.

To review a bank account's bank feed, select the Bank feed tab the action bar. This option displays on the bank account in Financial Edge NXT when:
Bank feeds are enabled
An online bank account is linked to the bank account
From the bank feed list, you can review and filter the list of downloaded transactions, review statuses, and manually match transactions. For more information, see Bank Feeds.

To reconcile a bank account, select Reconcile on the bank account action bar.
From the Reconcile page, you can specify a statement date and ending balance, select to reconcile manually or with bank feeds, match and clear transactions, and review your register prior to reconciling. For more information, see Reconcile Bank Accounts.

Use adjustments to record bank account transactions such as interest earned, service charges, balance adjustments, and transfers between bank accounts. To add an adjustment, select Add adjustment on the bank account action bar. For more information about adjustments, see Bank Account Adjustments.
Tip: You can also add an adjustment from the bank account's register.

To close a bank account, access and open the bank account from the Bank accounts list. Select More on the bank account action bar, then select Close account. When you close a bank account, the Status column in the Bank accounts list displays "Closed." You can still edit bank account information even though it is not active. Keep in mind, you cannot close a bank account that has unpaid invoices waiting to be paid from the account.

To unlink a bank account, access and open the bank account from the Bank accounts list. Select More on the bank account action bar, then select Unlink account. When you unlink a bank account, online bank information is completely removed for the Financial Edge NXT account you selected. Online bank account information for other Financial Edge NXT bank accounts is not affected.