Available Email Templates
All available system emails are listed in numerical order in Settings > System Emails. Select the dropdowns below to preview each template.
Email ID | GC-1 |
Subject | Welcome to GrantsConnect |
Audience | Grant Managers |
Trigger | This email is sent to a new Grant Manager when their account is created in the Grant Manager Portal. |
Is it customizable? | No |
Can it be turned off? | No |
Email Content |
Dear {{FIRST_NAME}} {{LAST_NAME}}, You have been added as a user in GrantsConnect - Grants Manager. Click below to complete your registration. Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{FIRST_NAME}} {{LAST_NAME}} | Grant Manager's name |
Email ID | GC-5 |
Subject | Application Form Submitted |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to an applicant when they submit an application. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{APPLICANT_FIRST_NAME}} {{APPLICANT_LAST_NAME}}, You have successfully submitted your application for the following program: {{CLIENT_NAME}} / {{PROGRAM_NAME}} Application ID: {{APPLICATION_ID}} Form Submitted: {{FORM_NAME}} Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{APPLICATION_ID}} | Application ID |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{FORM_NAME}} | Form's name |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
Email ID | GC-7 |
Subject | Application Review Reminder |
Audience | Grant Managers |
Trigger | This email is sent to user-selected Grant Managers in the current workflow level as a reminder that an application is ready for review. It's sent from the Application View by selecting Send reminder. In order for the Send reminder option to appear, you must be in the current workflow level AND either have the Grant Applications - All user permission or be a Workflow Manager with the Send reminder action selected. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | No |
Email Content |
Dear {{GRANT_MANAGER_FIRST_NAME}} {{GRANT_MANAGER_LAST_NAME}}, {{SENDER_NAME}} has sent a reminder for you to view the following application: {{APPLICANT_FIRST_NAME}} {{APPLICANT_LAST_NAME}} on behalf of {{ORGANIZATION_NAME}} Program: {{PROGRAM_NAME}} Cycle: {{CYCLE_NAME}} Workflow: {{WORKFLOW_NAME}} Level: {{WORKFLOW_LEVEL_NAME}} {{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{CYCLE_NAME}} | Program cycle |
{{GRANT_MANAGER_FIRST_NAME}} {{GRANT_MANAGER_LAST_NAME}} | Grant Manager's name (Recipient) |
{{ORGANIZATION_NAME}} | Applicant's organization |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
{{SENDER_NAME}} | Grant Manager's name (Sender) |
{{WORKFLOW_LEVEL_NAME}} | Workflow level |
{{WORKFLOW_NAME}} | Workflow |
{{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} |
If a custom message is entered in the Send Reminder Email screen (Application View > Send reminder), it'll appear here. If not, this variable will be removed from the final email. |
Email ID | GC-8 |
Subject | Your Grant Application Status - ID: {{APPLICATION_ID}} |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to an applicant when a Grant Manager selects Notify of status in the Applications area or Application View. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | No |
Email Content |
Dear {{APPLICANT_FIRST_NAME}} {{APPLICANT_LAST_NAME}}, This is an update on the status of your grant application. If the Grant administrator provided a comment on your status, you can view the message below. Program:{{CLIENT_NAME}}/{{PROGRAM_NAME}} Benefitting Organization: {{ORGANIZATION_NAME}} Status: {{APPLICATION_STATUS}} {{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} Message: {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} Sincerely, {{CLIENT_NAME}} |
Variable | Definition |
{{APPLICATION_STATUS}} | Application's status (i.e., Awaiting Review, In Progress, Approved, etc.) |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{ORGANIZATION_NAME}} | Applicant's organization |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
{{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} |
If a custom message is entered when sending the email, it'll appear here. If not, this variable will be removed from the final email. |
Email ID | GC-9 |
Subject | GrantsConnect - Export Status |
Audience | Grant Managers |
Trigger | This email is sent to a Grant Manager when a report is exported from the Data Hub. |
Is it customizable? | No |
Can it be turned off? | No |
Email Content |
Dear {{FIRST_NAME}} {{LAST_NAME}}, This is an update on your recent export in GrantsConnect. The job has completed. See below for status information. Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support Export Type: {{JOB_TYPE}} Build Date: {{JOB_BUILD_DATE}} Export Title: {{JOB_NAME}} Description: {{JOB_DESCRIPTION}} Status: {{JOB_STATUS}} |
Variable | Definition |
{{FIRST_NAME}} {{LAST_NAME}} | Grant Manager's name |
{{JOB_BUILD_DATE}} | Date the export was sent |
{{JOB_DESCRIPTION}} | Description entered when building the export |
{{JOB_NAME}} | Export name |
{{JOB_TYPE}} | Export type (i.e., Application Details, etc.) |
{{JOB_STATUS}} | Export status (i.e., Completed) |
Email ID | GC-10 |
Subject | Request For Revision |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to an applicant when a Grant Manager requests a revision to a form. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{APPLICANT_FIRST_NAME}} {{APPLICANT_LAST_NAME}}, A form you submitted through GrantsConnect requires revision. Please review the revision request below. Once the form is submitted with the requested changes, your application process will resume. {{CLIENT_NAME}} / {{PROGRAM_NAME}} Application ID: {{APPLICATION_ID}} Form Name: {{FORM_NAME}} Revision Request Comment: {{REVISION_COMMENT}} Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{APPLICATION_ID}} | Application ID |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{FORM_NAME}} | Form's name |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
{{REVISION_COMMENT}} | Comment entered by the Grant Manager detailing the revisions that need to be made |
Email ID | GC-11 |
Subject | Canceled Request for Revision |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to an applicant when a Grant Manager cancels a revision request. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{APPLICANT_FIRST_NAME}} {{APPLICANT_LAST_NAME}}, An admin had previously requested that you revise a form submitted through GrantsConnect. This request has been canceled and no further action is required on your part. Your application was on hold for this revision. That hold has now been lifted. See below for the details of this form. Program Name: {{CLIENT_NAME}} / {{PROGRAM_NAME}} Application ID: {{APPLICATION_ID}} Form Name: {{FORM_NAME}} Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{APPLICATION_ID}} | Application ID |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{FORM_NAME}} | Form's name |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
{{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} |
If a custom message is entered when sending the email, it'll appear here. If not, this variable will be removed from the final email. |
Email ID | GC-12 |
Subject | Request Revision Completed |
Audience | Grant Managers |
Trigger | This email is sent to a Grant Manager when an applicant resubmits a form that was sent back for revision. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | No |
Email Content |
Dear {{GRANT_MANAGER_FIRST_NAME}} {{GRANT_MANAGER_LAST_NAME}}, A form tied to an application in your workflow level has been revised. The revision has been submitted by the applicant and the hold status on this application has been lifted. Applicant: {{T:CONDITIONAL_TRANSLATION}} Program: {{PROGRAM_NAME}} Cycle: {{CYCLE_NAME}} Application ID:{{APPLICATION_ID}} Form Revised: {{FORM_NAME}} Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{APPLICATION_ID}} | Application ID |
{{CYCLE_NAME}} | Program cycle |
{{FORM_NAME}} | Form's name |
{{GRANT_MANAGER_FIRST_NAME}} {{GRANT_MANAGER_LAST_NAME}} | Grant Manager's name (Recipient) |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
Note: A merge document can be added to this email when creating a custom copy.
Email ID | GC-13 |
Subject | Your Application is Approved - ID: {{APPLICATION_ID}} |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to an applicant when their application has been approved. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{APPLICANT_FIRST_NAME}} {{APPLICANT_LAST_NAME}}, Your grant application to {{CLIENT_NAME}}/{{PROGRAM_NAME}} on behalf of {{ON_BEHALF_OF}} has been approved. (Application ID# {{APPLICATION_ID}}) {{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{APPLICATION_ID}} | Application ID |
{{ON_BEHALF_OF}} | Applicant's organization |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
{{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} |
If a custom message is entered when sending the email, it'll appear here. If not, this variable will be removed from the final email. |
Email ID | GC-14 |
Subject | Your Application is Declined - ID: {{APPLICATION_ID}} |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to an applicant when their application has been declined. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{APPLICANT_FIRST_NAME}} {{APPLICANT_LAST_NAME}}, Your grant application to {{CLIENT_NAME}}/{{PROGRAM_NAME}} on behalf of {{ON_BEHALF_OF}} has been declined. (Application ID# {{APPLICATION_ID}}) {{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{APPLICATION_ID}} | Application ID |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{ON_BEHALF_OF}} | Applicant's organization |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
{{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} |
If a custom message is entered when sending the email, it'll appear here. If not, this variable will be removed from the final email. |
Email ID | GC-15 |
Subject | Your Application is Awarded - ID: {{APPLICATION_ID}} |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to an applicant when their application has been awarded. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{APPLICANT_FIRST_NAME}} {{APPLICANT_LAST_NAME}}, Your grant application to {{CLIENT_NAME}}/{{PROGRAM_NAME}} on behalf of {{ON_BEHALF_OF}} has been awarded. For details, click or tap below to access your account. (Application ID# {{APPLICATION_ID}}) Award Value: {{APPLICATION_AWARD_AMOUNT_EQUIVALENT}} (Please Note: This is the current total award value and is subject to change.) {{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{APPLICATION_ID}} | Application ID |
{{APPLICATION_AWARD_AMOUNT_EQUIVALENT}} | Current total award amount |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{ON_BEHALF_OF}} | Applicant's organization |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
{{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} |
If a custom message is entered when sending the email, it'll appear here. If not, this variable will be removed from the final email. |
Email ID | GC-16 |
Subject | Invitation to GrantsConnect |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to an applicant when they're added to an application. |
Customizable? | No |
Can it be turned off? | No |
Email Content |
Dear {{APPLICANT_FIRST_NAME}} {{APPLICANT_LAST_NAME}}, You have been added to access a grant application ({{APPLICATION_ID}}) in the YourCause GrantsConnect system. Click the button to access the applicant portal and access this grant application. Please note: only one person should update a grant application at a time. Please coordinate with anyone you are working with on this application to ensure that only one of you is working on it at the same time. Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support Team |
Variable | Definition |
{{APPLICATION_ID}} | Application ID |
Email ID | GC-17 |
Subject | Welcome to GrantsConnect |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to a new applicant when their account is created in the Applicant Portal by another user (i.e., Grant Manager or existing applicant). |
Customizable? | No |
Can it be turned off? | No |
Email Content |
Dear {{APPLICANT_FIRST_NAME}} {{APPLICANT_LAST_NAME}}, You have been registered in the YourCause GrantsConnect system. Click the Get Started button below to access the applicant portal. Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support Team |
Variable | Definition |
Note: This email cannot be sent in UAT.
Email ID | GC-18 |
Subject | Application Form Added |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to an applicant when their application enters a new workflow level that requires an additional form be completed. This can be sent automatically or manually. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{APPLICANT_FIRST_NAME}} {{APPLICANT_LAST_NAME}}, A request has been made for completion of {{FORM_NAME}} as part of an application to the {{PROGRAM_NAME}} grant program. Please log in to the YourCause applicant portal to complete this form and submit it. {{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} Sincerely, {{CLIENT_NAME}} |
Variable | Definition |
{{FORM_NAME}} | Form's name |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
{{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} |
If a custom message is entered when sending the email, it'll appear here. If not, this variable will be removed from the final email. |
Email ID | GC-19 |
Subject | Application Form Recalled |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to an applicant when a Grant Manager recalls a form. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{APPLICANT_FIRST_NAME}} {{APPLICANT_LAST_NAME}}, Form: {{FORM_NAME}} (part of Application id: {{APPLICATION_ID}}) has been recalled and no longer needs your attention. Please contact us if you have additional questions. {{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} Sincerely, {{CLIENT_NAME}} |
Variable | Definition |
{{APPLICATION_ID}} | Application ID |
{{FORM_NAME}} | Form's name |
{{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} |
If a custom message is entered when sending the email, it'll appear here. If not, this variable will be removed from the final email. |
Email ID | GC-20 |
Subject | Nomination Accepted for {{NOMINATED_PARTY}} |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to the nominator when their nomination has been approved. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{NOMINATOR_FIRST_NAME}} {{NOMINATOR_LAST_NAME}}, Your nomination of {{NOMINATED_PARTY}} has been accepted. {{NOMINATED_APPLICANT_REPRESENTATIVE}} has been invited to apply to the {{PROGRAM_NAME}} Program. The application deadline for this program is {{PROGRAM_CYCLE_END_DATE}}. Nomination ID#: {{NOMINATION_ID}} Sincerely, {{CLIENT_NAME}} |
Variable | Definition |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{NOMINATED_PARTY}} | Nominee's name |
{{NOMINATION_ID}} | Nomination ID |
{{PROGRAM_CYCLE_END_DATE}} | Date the program's cycle ends |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
Email ID | GC-21 |
Subject | Nomination Declined for {{NOMINATED_PARTY}} |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to the nominator when their nomination has been declined. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{NOMINATOR_FIRST_NAME}} {{NOMINATOR_LAST_NAME}}, Your nomination of {{NOMINATED_PARTY}} has been declined. Nomination ID#: {{NOMINATION_ID}} Please click on the button below to access your nomination in the applicant portal and to see any updated information. {{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} Sincerely, {{CLIENT_NAME}} |
Variable | Definition |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{NOMINATED_PARTY}} | Nominee's name |
{{NOMINATION_ID}} | Nomination ID |
{{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} |
If a custom message is entered when sending the email, it'll appear here. If not, this variable will be removed from the final email. |
Email ID | GC-22 |
Subject | You have been nominated! |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to the nominee when either the nomination application has been approved or when a Grant Manager manually sends the email. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{NOMINEE_FIRST_NAME}} {{NOMINEE_LAST_NAME}}, You have been nominated to apply for a {{CLIENT_NAME}} grant by {{NOMINATOR_FIRST_NAME}} {{NOMINATOR_LAST_NAME}} for the {{PROGRAM_NAME}} program. The application deadline for this program is {{PROGRAM_CYCLE_END_DATE}}. Please ensure your application is submitted prior to this date. {{GET_STARTED_NEW_USER}} {{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} {{NOMINATED_PARTY}} Application ID#: {{APPLICATION_ID}} Sincerely, {{CLIENT_NAME}} |
Variable | Definition |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{NOMINATED_PARTY}} | Nominee's name |
{{APPLICATION_ID}} | Application ID for the new grant application created from their approved nomination |
{{PROGRAM_CYCLE_END_DATE}} | Date the program's cycle ends |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
{{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} |
If a custom message is entered when sending the email, it'll appear here. If not, this variable will be removed from the final email. |
Email ID | GC-23 |
Subject | Nomination Form Added |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to a nominator when their nomination application enters a new workflow level that requires an additional form be completed. This can be sent automatically or manually. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{NOMINATOR_FIRST_NAME}} {{NOMINATOR_LAST_NAME}}, A request has been made for completion of {{FORM_NAME}} as part of a nomination to the {{PROGRAM_NAME}} grant program. Please log in to the YourCause applicant portal to complete this form and submit it. Sincerely, {{CLIENT_NAME}} |
Variable | Definition |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{FORM_NAME}} | Form's name |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
Email ID | GC-24 |
Subject | Nomination Form Submitted |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to a nominator as confirmation when a nomination form has been submitted. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{NOMINATOR_FIRST_NAME}} {{NOMINATOR_LAST_NAME}}, You have successfully submitted your nomination for the following program: {{CLIENT_NAME}} / {{PROGRAM_NAME}} Nomination ID: {{NOMINATION_ID}} Form Submitted: {{FORM_NAME}} Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{NOMINATION_ID}} | Nomination ID |
{{FORM_NAME}} | Form's name |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
Email ID | GC-25 |
Subject | Your Grant Nomination Status - ID: {{NOMINATION_ID}} |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to a nominator when a Grant Manager sends them the nomination status from the Applications area in the Grant Manager Portal. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | No |
Email Content |
Dear {{NOMINATOR_FIRST_NAME}} {{NOMINATOR_LAST_NAME}}, This is an update on the status of your grant nomination. If the Grant administrator provided a comment on your status, you can view the message below. Program: {{CLIENT_NAME}}/{{PROGRAM_NAME}} {{#if Organization.Name}} Benefitting Organization: {{ORGANIZATION_NAME}} {{/if}} Status: {{APPLICATION_STATUS}} {{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} Message: {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} Sincerely, {{CLIENT_NAME}} |
Variable | Definition |
{{APPLICATION_STATUS}} | Application's status (i.e., Awaiting Review, In Progress, Approved, etc.) |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{#if Organization.Name}} {{ORGANIZATION_NAME}} {{/if}} | Name of the benefitting organization, if any |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
{{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} |
If a custom message is entered when sending the email, it'll appear here. If not, this variable will be removed from the final email. |
Email ID | GC-26 |
Subject | Invitation to GrantsConnect |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to a nominator when they've been added to an application. |
Is it customizable? | No |
Can it be turned off? | No |
Email Content |
Dear {{NOMINATOR_FIRST_NAME}} {{NOMINATOR_LAST_NAME}}, You have been added to access a grant nomination ({{NOMINATION_ID}}) in the YourCause GrantsConnect system. Click the button to access the applicant portal and access this grant nomination. Please note: only one person should update a grant nomination at a time. Please coordinate with anyone you are working with on this nomination to ensure that only one of you is working on it at the same time. Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support Team |
Variable | Definition |
{{NOMINATION_ID}} | Nomination ID |
Email ID | GC-27 |
Subject | Request Revision Handled |
Audience | Grant Managers |
Trigger | This email is sent to a Grant Manager when a nominator submits a form that was sent back for revision. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | No |
Email Content |
Dear {{GRANT_MANAGER_FIRST_NAME}} {{GRANT_MANAGER_LAST_NAME}}, A form tied to a nomination in your workflow level has been revised. The revision has been submitted by the nominator and the hold status on this nomination has been lifted. {{APPLICANT_FIRST_NAME}} {{APPLICANT_LAST_NAME}} on behalf of {{ORGANIZATION_NAME}} Program: {{PROGRAM_NAME}} Nomination ID:{{NOMINATION_ID}} Form Revised: {{FORM_NAME}} Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{FORM_NAME}} | Form's name |
{{NOMINATION_ID}} | Nomination ID |
{{ORGANIZATION_NAME}} | Name of the benefitting organization |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
Email ID | GC-28 |
Subject | Request for Revision |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to a nominator when a Grant Manager requests a revision to a nomination form. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{NOMINATOR_FIRST_NAME}} {{NOMINATOR_LAST_NAME}}, A form you submitted through GrantsConnect requires revision. Please review the revision request below. Once the form is submitted with the requested changes, your nomination process will resume. {{CLIENT_NAME}} / {{PROGRAM_NAME}} Nomination ID: {{NOMINATION_ID}} Form Name: {{FORM_NAME}} Revision Request Comment: {{REVISION_COMMENT}} Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{FORM_NAME}} | Form's name |
{{NOMINATION_ID}} | Nomination ID |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
{{REVISION_COMMENT}} | Comment entered by the Grant Manager detailing the revisions that need to be made |
Email ID | GC-29 |
Subject | Canceled Request for Revision |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to a nominator when a Grant Manager cancels a revision request. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{NOMINATOR_FIRST_NAME}} {{NOMINATOR_LAST_NAME}}, An admin had previously requested that you revise a form submitted through GrantsConnect. This request has been canceled and no further action is required on your part. Your nomination was on hold for this revision. That hold has now been lifted. See below for the details of this form. {{CLIENT_NAME}} / {{PROGRAM_NAME}} Nomination ID: {{NOMINATION_ID}} Form Name: {{FORM_NAME}} Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{FORM_NAME}} | Form's name |
{{NOMINATION_ID}} | Nomination ID |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
Email ID | GC-30 |
Subject | Nomination Form Recalled |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to an applicant when a Grant Manager sends a form to a nominee then recalls it. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{APPLICANT_FIRST_NAME}} {{APPLICANT_LAST_NAME}}, Form: {{FORM_NAME}} (part of Nomination id: {{NOMINATION_ID}}) has been recalled and no longer needs your attention. Please contact us if you have additional questions. Sincerely, {{CLIENT_NAME}} |
Variable | Definition |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{FORM_NAME}} | Form's name |
{{NOMINATION_ID}} | Nomination ID |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
Email ID | GC-31 |
Subject | Nomination Review Reminder |
Audience | Grant Managers |
Trigger | This email is sent to a Grant Manager to remind them a nomination is ready for review. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{GRANT_MANAGER_FIRST_NAME}} {{GRANT_MANAGER_LAST_NAME}}, {{SENDER_NAME}} has sent a reminder for you to view the following nomination: {{APPLICANT_FIRST_NAME}} {{APPLICANT_LAST_NAME}} on behalf of {{ORGANIZATION_NAME}} Program: {{PROGRAM_NAME}} Workflow: {{WORKFLOW_NAME}} Level: {{WORKFLOW_LEVEL_NAME}} {{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{GRANT_MANAGER_FIRST_NAME}} {{GRANT_MANAGER_LAST_NAME}} | Grant Manager's name (Recipient) |
{{NOMINATION_ID}} | Nomination ID |
{{ORGANIZATION_NAME}} | Name of the benefitting organization |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
{{SENDER_NAME}} | Grant Manager's name (Sender) (GC-7) |
{{WORKFLOW_LEVEL_NAME}} | Workflow level |
{{WORKFLOW_NAME}} | Workflow |
{{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} |
If a custom message is entered when sending the email, it'll appear here. If not, this variable will be removed from the final email. |
Email ID | GC-32 |
Subject | {{FORM_NAME}} submitted for Application ID: {{APPLICATION_ID}} |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to an applicant when they've submitted an additional form. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{APPLICANT_FIRST_NAME}} {{APPLICANT_LAST_NAME}}, The {{FORM_NAME}} form as part of your application has been submitted for the following program: {{CLIENT_NAME}} / {{PROGRAM_NAME}} Application ID: {{APPLICATION_ID}} Form Submitted: {{FORM_NAME}} Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{APPLICATION_ID}} | Application ID |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{FORM_NAME}} | Form's name |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
Email ID | GC-33 |
Subject | {{FORM_NAME}} submitted for Application ID: {{APPLICATION_ID}} |
Audience | Grant Managers |
Trigger | This email is sent to a Grant Manager when an applicant submits an additional form. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{GRANT_MANAGER_FIRST_NAME}} {{GRANT_MANAGER_LAST_NAME}}, The {{FORM_NAME}} form has been submitted for the application shown below. Applicant:{{APPLICANT_FIRST_NAME}} {{APPLICANT_LAST_NAME}} Organization: {{ORGANIZATION_NAME}} Program: {{PROGRAM_NAME}} Application ID: {{APPLICATION_ID}} Form: {{FORM_NAME}} Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{APPLICATION_ID}} | Application ID |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{FORM_NAME}} | Form's name |
{{GRANT_MANAGER_FIRST_NAME}} {{GRANT_MANAGER_LAST_NAME}} | Grant Manager's name (Recipient) |
{{ORGANIZATION_NAME}} | Name of the benefitting organization |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
Email ID | GC-34 |
Subject | {{FORM_NAME}} submitted for Nomination ID: {{NOMINATION_ID}} |
Audience | Grant Managers |
Trigger | This email is sent to an applicant when they submit an additional form as part of a nomination. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | No |
Email Content |
Dear {{APPLICANT_FIRST_NAME}} {{APPLICANT_LAST_NAME}}, The {{FORM_NAME}} form has been submitted for the nomination shown below. Nominator:{{NOMINATOR_FIRST_NAME}} {{NOMINATOR_LAST_NAME}} Organization: {{ORGANIZATION_NAME}} Program: {{PROGRAM_NAME}} Nomination ID: {{NOMINATION_ID}} Form: {{FORM_NAME}} Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{FORM_NAME}} | Form's name |
{{NOMINATION_ID}} | Nomination ID |
{{ORGANIZATION_NAME}} | Name of the benefitting organization |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
Email ID | GC-35 |
Subject | {{FORM_NAME}} submitted for Nomination ID: {{NOMINATION_ID}} |
Audience | Grant Managers |
Trigger | This email is sent to a Grant Manager when an applicant submits an additional form as part of a nomination. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{GRANT_MANAGER_FIRST_NAME}} {{GRANT_MANAGER_LAST_NAME}}, The {{FORM_NAME}} form has been submitted for the nomination shown below. Nominator:{{NOMINATOR_FIRST_NAME}} {{NOMINATOR_LAST_NAME}} Organization: {{ORGANIZATION_NAME}} Program: {{PROGRAM_NAME}} Nomination ID: {{NOMINATION_ID}} Form: {{FORM_NAME}} Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{FORM_NAME}} | Form's name |
{{NOMINATION_ID}} | Nomination ID |
{{ORGANIZATION_NAME}} | Name of the benefitting organization |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
Email ID | GC-36 |
Subject | Revision Request Reminder |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to an applicant to remind them a revision has been requested. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | No |
Email Content |
Dear {{APPLICANT_FIRST_NAME}} {{APPLICANT_LAST_NAME}}, A form you submitted through GrantsConnect requires revision. Please review the revision request below. Once the form is submitted with the requested changes, your application process will resume. {{CLIENT_NAME}}/{{PROGRAM_NAME}} Form Name: {{FORM_NAME}} Revision Request Comment: {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} | Comment entered by a Grant Manager detailing the revision to be made |
{{FORM_NAME}} | Form's name |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
Email ID | GC-37 |
Subject | Revision Request Reminder |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to a nominator to remind them a revision to a nomination has been requested. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | No |
Email Content |
Dear {{NOMINATOR_FIRST_NAME}} {{NOMINATOR_LAST_NAME}}, A form you submitted through GrantsConnect requires revision. Please review the revision request below. Once the form is submitted with the requested changes, your nomination process will resume. {{CLIENT_NAME}}/{{PROGRAM_NAME}} Form Name: {{FORM_NAME}} Revision Request Comment: {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} Sincerely, {{CLIENT_NAME}} |
Variable | Definition |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} | Comment entered by a Grant Manager detailing the revision to be made |
{{FORM_NAME}} | Form's name |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
Email ID | GC-38 |
Subject | Workflow Reminder Summary |
Audience | Grant Managers |
Trigger | This email is sent to a Grant Manager, providing a summary of work in their assigned workflow level. |
Is it customizable? | No |
Can it be turned off? | No |
Email Content |
The submissions listed below are in your workflow levels and may need your attention. Please log in to the system to check on them. |
Variable | Definition |
{{SUMMARY_TABLE}} | The summary includes the five most recent applications and nominations to enter the workflow level, regardless of if action needs to be taken. |
Email ID | GC-39 |
Subject | A Payment is on the Way |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to an applicant when a payment's status changes to Outstanding. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{APPLICANT_FIRST_NAME}} {{APPLICANT_LAST_NAME}}, A payment for your grant application (id# {{APPLICATION_ID}}) has been issued. Payment Number: {{PAYMENT_NUMBER}} Amount: {{PAYMENT_AMOUNT_EQUIVALENT}} Payee Name: {{PAYEE_NAME}} Payee Address: {{PAYEE_ADDRESS}} Sincerely, {{CLIENT_NAME}} GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{APPLICATION_ID}} | Application ID |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{PAYEE_ADDRESS}} | Address of the person being paid |
{{PAYEE_NAME}} | Name of the person being paid |
{{PAYMENT_AMOUNT_EQUIVALENT}} | Payment amount |
{{PAYMENT_NUMBER}} | Payment ID |
Email ID | GC-40 |
Subject | New application has entered {{WORKFLOW_LEVEL_NAME}} |
Audience | Grant Managers |
Trigger | This email is sent to a Grant Manager when an application is added to their assigned workflow level. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | No |
Email Content |
Dear {{GRANT_PROGRAM_MANAGER_FIRST_NAME}} {{GRANT_PROGRAM_MANAGER_LAST_NAME}}, The application listed below just entered your workflow level, {{WORKFLOW_LEVEL_NAME}}, and may need your attention. Please log in to the system to check. {{T:RECIPIENT_LOGIC}} Submitted on: {{DATE_SUBMITTED}} {{#if Application.AmountRequested}} Cash Amount Requested: {{AMOUNT_REQUESTED}} {{/if}} {{#if Application.InKindAmountRequested}} In-Kind Amount Requested: {{IN_KIND_AMOUNT_REQUESTED}} {{/if}} Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{DATE_SUBMITTED}} | Date the application was submitted |
{{ORGANIZATION_NAME}} | Name of the benefitting organization |
{{WORKFLOW_LEVEL_NAME}} | Workflow level |
{#if Application.AmountRequested}} Cash Amount Requested: {{AMOUNT_REQUESTED}} {{/if}} |
Cash amount requested, if any |
{{#if Application.InKindAmountRequested}} In-Kind Amount Requested: {{IN_KIND_AMOUNT_REQUESTED}} {{/if}} |
In-kind amount requested, if any |
Email ID | GC-41 |
Subject | New nomination has entered {{WORKFLOW_LEVEL_NAME}} |
Audience | Grant Managers |
Trigger | This email is sent to a Grant Manager when a nomination is added to their assigned workflow level. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? |
No |
Email Content |
Dear {{GRANT_PROGRAM_MANAGER_FIRST_NAME}} {{GRANT_PROGRAM_MANAGER_LAST_NAME}}, The nomination listed below just entered your workflow level, {{WORKFLOW_LEVEL_NAME}}, and may need your attention. Please log in to the system to check. {{ORGANIZATION_NAME}} by {{NOMINATOR_FIRST_NAME}} {{NOMINATOR_LAST_NAME}} Submitted on: {{DATE_SUBMITTED}} {{#if Application.AmountRequested}} Cash Amount Requested: {{AMOUNT_REQUESTED}} {{/if}} {{#if Application.InKindAmountRequested}} In-Kind Amount Requested: {{IN_KIND_AMOUNT_REQUESTED}} {{/if}} Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{DATE_SUBMITTED}} | Date the application was submitted |
{{ORGANIZATION_NAME}} | Name of the benefitting organization |
{{WORKFLOW_LEVEL_NAME}} | Workflow level |
{#if Application.AmountRequested}} Cash Amount Requested: {{AMOUNT_REQUESTED}} {{/if}} |
Cash amount requested, if any |
{{#if Application.InKindAmountRequested}} In-Kind Amount Requested: {{IN_KIND_AMOUNT_REQUESTED}} {{/if}} |
In-kind amount requested, if any |
Email ID | GC-42 |
Subject | Vetting Declined |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to an applicant when their vetting request has been declined in NPOconnect. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{APPLICANT_FIRST_NAME}} {{APPLICANT_LAST_NAME}}, The vetting request for {{ORGANIZATION_NAME}} has been declined. The following applications are impacted and cannot be awarded Application: {{APPLICATION_ID}} Sincerely, {{CLIENT_NAME}} |
Variable | Definition |
{{APPLICATION_ID}} | Application ID |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{ORGANIZATION_NAME}} | Name of the benefitting organization |
Email ID | GC-43 |
Subject | Vetting Declined |
Audience | Grant Managers |
Trigger | This email is sent to a Grant Manager when a vetting request has been declined in NPOconnect. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{ClientUser_FIRST_NAME}} {{ClientUser_LAST_NAME}}, The vetting request for {{ORGANIZATION_NAME}} has been declined. The following applications are impacted and cannot be awarded Application: {{APPLICATION_ID}} Sincerely, {{CLIENT_NAME}} |
Variable | Definition |
{{APPLICATION_ID}} | Application ID |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{ClientUser_FIRST_NAME}} {{ClientUser_LAST_NAME}} | Grant Manager's name |
{{ORGANIZATION_NAME}} | Name of the benefitting organization |
Email ID | GC-44 |
Subject | Vetting Approved |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to an applicant when their vetting request has been approved in NPOconnect. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{APPLICANT_FIRST_NAME}} {{APPLICANT_LAST_NAME}}, The vetting request for {{ORGANIZATION_NAME}} has been Approved. The following applications are impacted and can process through the application process Application: {{APPLICATION_ID}} Sincerely, {{CLIENT_NAME}} |
Variable | Definition |
{{APPLICATION_ID}} | Application ID |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{ORGANIZATION_NAME}} | Name of the benefitting organization |
Email ID | GC-45 |
Subject | Vetting Approved |
Audience | Grant Managers |
Trigger | This email is sent to a Grant Manager when a vetting request has been approved in NPOconnect. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{ClientUser_FIRST_NAME}} {{ClientUser_LAST_NAME}}, The vetting request for {{ORGANIZATION_NAME}} has been Approved. The following applications are impacted and can process through the application process Application: {{APPLICATION_ID}} Sincerely, {{CLIENT_NAME}} |
Variable | Definition |
{{APPLICATION_ID}} | Application ID |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{ClientUser_FIRST_NAME}} {{ClientUser_LAST_NAME}} | Grant Manager's name |
{{ORGANIZATION_NAME}} | Name of the benefitting organization |
Email ID | GC-46 |
Subject | Form to Complete |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to an applicant when they have a form to complete. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{APPLICANT_FIRST_NAME}} {{APPLICANT_LAST_NAME}}, {{FORM_NAME}}, which is part of your application to the {{PROGRAM_NAME}} grant program, has not been submitted. In order to proceed in the application process, please log in to the GrantsConnect applicant portal to complete and submit this form. {{CLIENT_NAME}}/{{PROGRAM_NAME}} Application ID: {{APPLICATION_ID}} Form Name: {{FORM_NAME}} {{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} Comments: {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{APPLICATION_ID}} | Application ID |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{FORM_NAME}} | Form's name |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
{{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} |
If a custom message is entered when sending the email, it'll appear here. If not, this variable will be removed from the final email. |
Email ID | GC-47 |
Subject | Form to Complete |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to a nominator when they have a nomination form to complete. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{NOMINATOR_FIRST_NAME}} {{NOMINATOR_LAST_NAME}}, {{FORM_NAME}}, which is part of your application to the {{PROGRAM_NAME}} grant program, has not been submitted. In order to proceed in the application process, please log in to the GrantsConnect applicant portal to complete and submit this form. {{CLIENT_NAME}}/{{PROGRAM_NAME}} Nomination ID: {{NOMINATION_ID}} Form Name: {{FORM_NAME}} {{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} Comments: {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{FORM_NAME}} | Form's name |
{{NOMINATION_ID}} | Nomination ID |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
{{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} |
If a custom message is entered when sending the email, it'll appear here. If not, this variable will be removed from the final email. |
Email ID | GC-48 |
Subject | Reminder: {{PROGRAM_NAME}} closes soon |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to an applicant to remind them that a program is closing soon and they have yet to submit their Draft application. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{APPLICANT_FIRST_NAME}} {{APPLICANT_LAST_NAME}}, The {{CLIENT_NAME}} {{PROGRAM_NAME}} is closing soon. You have an outstanding grant request for this program that has not been submitted. Please submit any draft applications that you have not completed prior to {{PROGRAM_CYCLE_END_DATE}}. Submissions will not be accepted after the program closes. Application ID: {{APPLICATION_ID}} {{#if Organization.Name}} Organization: {{ORGANIZATION_NAME}} {{/if}} Created: {{APPLICATION_CREATED_DATE}} Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{APPLICATION_CREATED_DATE}} | Date the application was started (i.e., entered Draft state) |
{{APPLICATION_ID}} | Application ID |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{PROGRAM_CYCLE_END_DATE}} | End date of the program cycle |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
{{#if Organization.Name}} {{ORGANIZATION_NAME}} {{/if}} | Name of the benefitting organization, if any |
Email ID | GC-49 |
Subject | Reminder: {{PROGRAM_NAME}} closes soon |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to a nominator to remind them that a program is closing soon and they have yet to submit their Draft nomination. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{APPLICANT_FIRST_NAME}} {{APPLICANT_LAST_NAME}}, The {{CLIENT_NAME}} {{PROGRAM_NAME}} is closing soon. You have an outstanding grant nomination for this program that has not been submitted. Please submit any draft nominations that you have not completed prior to {{PROGRAM_CYCLE_END_DATE}}. Submissions will not be accepted after the program closes. Nomination ID: {{NOMINATION_ID}} {{#if Organization.Name}} Organization: {{ORGANIZATION_NAME}} {{/if}} Created: {{APPLICATION_CREATED_DATE}} Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{APPLICATION_CREATED_DATE}} | Date the application was started (i.e., entered Draft state) |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{NOMINATION_ID}} | Nomination ID |
{{PROGRAM_CYCLE_END_DATE}} | End date of the program cycle |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
{{#if Organization.Name}} {{ORGANIZATION_NAME}} {{/if}} | Name of the benefitting organization, if any |
Email ID | GC-50 |
Subject | Your Application Approved and Awarded - ID: {{APPLICATION_ID}} |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to an applicant when their application has been approved and awarded. This is for cash awards only. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{APPLICANT_FIRST_NAME}} {{APPLICANT_LAST_NAME}}, Your grant application {{APPLICATION_ID}} for the {{CLIENT_NAME}} {{PROGRAM_NAME}} program on behalf of {{ON_BEHALF_OF}} has been approved and awarded. {{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} Award cash value: {{APPLICATION_AWARD_AMOUNT_EQUIVALENT}} (Please Note: This is the current total award value and is subject to change.) Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{APPLICATION_ID}} | Application ID |
{{APPLICATION_AWARD_AMOUNT_EQUIVALENT}} | Current total award amount |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{ON_BEHALF_OF}} | Applicant's organization |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
{{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} |
If a custom message is entered when sending the email, it'll appear here. If not, this variable will be removed from the final email. |
Email ID | GC-51 |
Subject | Your Application Approved and Awarded - ID: {{APPLICATION_ID}} |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to an applicant when their application has been approved and awarded. This is for in-kind awards only. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{APPLICANT_FIRST_NAME}} {{APPLICANT_LAST_NAME}}, Your grant application {{APPLICATION_ID}} for the {{CLIENT_NAME}} {{PROGRAM_NAME}} program on behalf of {{ON_BEHALF_OF}} has been approved and awarded. The items listed below are the anticipated items that will be awarded. {{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} The following comment was provided with approval: {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} {{#if Application.InKindItemsTable}} {{IN_KIND_ITEMS_TABLE}} {{/if}} Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{APPLICATION_ID}} | Application ID |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{ON_BEHALF_OF}} | Applicant's organization |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
{{#if Application.InKindItemsTable}} {{IN_KIND_ITEMS_TABLE}} {{/if}} |
Table detailing in-kind items awarded, if available |
{{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} |
If a custom message is entered when sending the email, it'll appear here. If not, this variable will be removed from the final email. |
Email ID | GC-52 |
Subject | Your Application Approved and Awarded - ID: {{APPLICATION_ID}} |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to an applicant when their application has been approved and awarded. This is for programs with both an in-kind and cash award. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{APPLICANT_FIRST_NAME}} {{APPLICANT_LAST_NAME}}, Your grant application {{APPLICATION_ID}} for the {{CLIENT_NAME}} {{PROGRAM_NAME}} program on behalf of {{ON_BEHALF_OF}} has been approved and awarded. You have been awarded both cash and in-kind items. The items listed below are the anticipated items that will be awarded. {{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} The following comment was provided with approval: {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} Award cash value: {{APPLICATION_AWARD_AMOUNT_EQUIVALENT}} (Please Note: This is the current total award value and is subject to change.) {{#if Application.InKindItemsTable}} {{IN_KIND_ITEMS_TABLE}} {{/if}} Sincerely GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{APPLICATION_ID}} | Application ID |
{{APPLICATION_AWARD_AMOUNT_EQUIVALENT}} | Cash amount equivalent awarded - includes both cash and in-kind items |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{ON_BEHALF_OF}} | Applicant's organization |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
{{#if Application.InKindItemsTable}} {{IN_KIND_ITEMS_TABLE}} {{/if}} |
Table detailing in-kind items awarded, if available |
{{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} |
If a custom message is entered when sending the email, it'll appear here. If not, this variable will be removed from the final email. |
Email ID | GC-53 |
Subject | Your Application Awarded - ID: {{APPLICATION_ID}} |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to an applicant their in-kind application has been awarded. This is for in-kind awards only. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{APPLICANT_FIRST_NAME}} {{APPLICANT_LAST_NAME}}, Your grant application {{APPLICATION_ID}} for the {{CLIENT_NAME}} {{PROGRAM_NAME}} program on behalf of {{ON_BEHALF_OF}} has been awarded. The items listed below are the anticipated items that will be awarded. {{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} The following comment was provided with the award: {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} {{#if Application.InKindItemsTable}} {{IN_KIND_ITEMS_TABLE}} {{/if}} Sincerely GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{APPLICATION_ID}} | Application ID |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{ON_BEHALF_OF}} | Applicant's organization |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
{{#if Application.InKindItemsTable}} {{IN_KIND_ITEMS_TABLE}} {{/if}} |
Table detailing in-kind items awarded, if available |
{{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} |
If a custom message is entered when sending the email, it'll appear here. If not, this variable will be removed from the final email. |
{{#if Payment.PaymentNumber}} Payment Number: {{PAYMENT_NUMBER}} {{/if}} |
Payment number, if available |
Email ID | GC-54 |
Subject | Your Application has been fulfilled - ID: {{APPLICATION_ID}} |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to an applicant when their in-kind application has been fulfilled or paid out. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{APPLICANT_FIRST_NAME}} {{APPLICANT_LAST_NAME}} A payment for your grant application {{APPLICATION_ID}} has been fulfilled. See below for the list of items being paid. {{#if Payment.PaymentNumber}} Payment Number: {{PAYMENT_NUMBER}} {{/if}} {{#if Application.InKindItemsTable}} {{IN_KIND_ITEMS_TABLE}} {{/if}} Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{APPLICATION_ID}} | Application ID |
{{#if Application.InKindItemsTable}} {{IN_KIND_ITEMS_TABLE}} {{/if}} |
Table detailing in-kind items awarded, if available |
{{#if Payment.PaymentNumber}} Payment Number: {{PAYMENT_NUMBER}} {{/if}} |
Payment number, if available |
Email ID | GC-55 |
Subject | Report: {{REPORT_NAME}} |
Audience | Grant Managers |
Trigger | This email is sent to a Grant Manager when a report being sent via Data feed is ready to download. |
Is it customizable? | No |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{FULL_NAME}}, Your report has been delivered and can be accessed by clicking the link below. If you choose to forward this email, please only forward to individuals who should have access to the report. This report expires in {{REPORT_EXPIRATION_HOURS}} hour(s) from the time it was originally sent. Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{FULL_NAME}} | Name of the Grant Manager or other user who was scheduled to receive the file |
{{REPORT_EXPIRATION_HOURS}} | Number of hours the link is active |
Email ID | GC-56 |
Subject | Report: {{REPORT_NAME}} |
Audience | Grant Managers |
Trigger | This email is sent to a Grant Manager when a report is sent to the SFTP connection selected when generating the report. |
Is it customizable? | No |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{FULL_NAME}}, Your report is available at the location below: Host: {{SFTP_HOST}} Location: {{SFTP_LOCATION}} Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{FULL_NAME}} | Name of the Grant Manager or other user who was scheduled to receive the file |
{{SFTP_HOST}} | Name of the SFTP connection |
{{SFTP_LOCATION}} | Address of the SFTP host or server |
Email ID | GC-57 |
Subject | Payment File Now Available to Download |
Audience | Grant Managers |
Trigger | This email is sent to a Grant Manager when the payment batch file has been sent to GrantsConnect secure storage is ready to download. |
Is it customizable? | No |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{FULL_NAME}}, Your payment file has been delivered and can be accessed by clicking the button below. If you choose to forward this email, please only forward to individuals who should have access to the file. This link expires in {{REPORT_EXPIRATION_HOURS}} hour(s). Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{FULL_NAME}} | Name of the Grant Manager or other user who was scheduled to receive the file |
{{REPORT_EXPIRATION_HOURS}} | Number of hours the link is active |
Email ID | GC-58 |
Subject | Invitation to apply to {{PROGRAM_NAME}} |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to a potential applicant when they're invited to apply for a program. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | No |
Email Content |
Dear {{APPLICANT_FIRST_NAME}} {{APPLICANT_LAST_NAME}}, You have been invited to apply to {{PROGRAM_NAME}}. Please use the link below to begin your application. The program will be accepting applications from {{PROGRAM_CYCLE_START_DATE}} to {{PROGRAM_CYCLE_END_DATE}}. Please be sure to complete and submit your grant request by that date. Sincerely, {{CLIENT_NAME}} |
Variable | Definition |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
{{PROGRAM_CYCLE_END_DATE}} | End date of the program cycle |
{{PROGRAM_CYCLE_START_DATE}} | Start date of the program cycle |
Email ID | GC-59 |
Subject | Invitation Reminder |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to a potential applicant to remind them that they've been invited to apply for a program. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{APPLICANT_FIRST_NAME}} {{APPLICANT_LAST_NAME}}, Recently, you were invited to apply to {{PROGRAM_NAME}}. The program will be accepting applications from {{PROGRAM_CYCLE_START_DATE}} to {{PROGRAM_CYCLE_END_DATE}}. Please be sure to complete and submit your grant request by that date. Sincerely, {{CLIENT_NAME}} |
Variable | Definition |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
{{PROGRAM_CYCLE_END_DATE}} | End date of the program cycle |
{{PROGRAM_CYCLE_START_DATE}} | Start date of the program cycle |
Email ID | GC-60 |
Subject | Welcome to GrantsConnect - Platform Admin |
Audience | Grant Manager |
Trigger | This email is sent to a new platform admin (i.e., Internal Admin) when they have been invited to GrantsConnect. |
Is it customizable? | No |
Can it be turned off? | No |
Email Content |
Dear {{FIRST_NAME}} {{LAST_NAME}}, You have been added as an internal administrator in GrantsConnect - Platform Admin. Click below to sign in. Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{FIRST_NAME}} {{LAST_NAME}} | Internal Admin's name |
Email ID | GC-61 |
Subject | Form due by {{FORM_DUE_DATE}} |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to an Applicant when a form for a program is due. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{APPLICANT_FIRST_NAME}} {{APPLICANT_LAST_NAME}}, {{FORM_NAME}}, which is part of your application to the {{PROGRAM_NAME}} grant program, is due on {{FORM_DUE_DATE}} and has not yet been submitted. In order to proceed in the application process, please log in to the GrantsConnect applicant portal to complete and submit this form. {{CLIENT_NAME}}/{{PROGRAM_NAME}} Application ID: {{APPLICATION_ID}} Form Name: {{FORM_NAME}} Form Due Date: {{FORM_DUE_DATE}} {{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} Comments: {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{APPLICATION_ID}} | Application ID |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{FORM_DUE_DATE}} | Form's due date |
{{FORM_NAME}} | Form's name |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
{{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} |
If a custom message is entered when sending the email, it'll appear here. If not, this variable will be removed from the final email. |
Email ID | GC-62 |
Subject | Form due by {{FORM_DUE_DATE}} |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to an applicant when a form for a program is past due. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{APPLICANT_FIRST_NAME}} {{APPLICANT_LAST_NAME}}, {{FORM_NAME}}, which is part of your application to the {{PROGRAM_NAME}} grant program, was due on {{FORM_DUE_DATE}} and has not yet been submitted. In order to proceed in the application process, please log in to the GrantsConnect applicant portal to complete and submit this form. {{CLIENT_NAME}}/{{PROGRAM_NAME}} Application ID: {{APPLICATION_ID}} Form Name: {{FORM_NAME}} Form Due Date: {{FORM_DUE_DATE}} {{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} Comments: {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{APPLICATION_ID}} | Application ID |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{FORM_DUE_DATE}} | Form's due date |
{{FORM_NAME}} | Form's name |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
{{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} |
If a custom message is entered when sending the email, it'll appear here. If not, this variable will be removed from the final email. |
Email ID | GC-63 |
Subject | Form due by {{FORM_DUE_DATE}} |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to an applicant when a form for a nomination grant program is due. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{APPLICANT_FIRST_NAME}} {{APPLICANT_LAST_NAME}}, {{FORM_NAME}}, which is part of your nomination to the {{PROGRAM_NAME}} grant program, is due on {{FORM_DUE_DATE}} and has not yet been submitted. In order to proceed in the nomination process, please log in to the GrantsConnect applicant portal to complete and submit this form. {{CLIENT_NAME}}/{{PROGRAM_NAME}} Nomination ID: {{NOMINATION_ID}} Form Name: {{FORM_NAME}} Form Due Date: {{FORM_DUE_DATE}} {{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} Comments: {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{FORM_DUE_DATE}} | Form's due date |
{{FORM_NAME}} | Form's name |
{{NOMINATION_ID}} | Nomination ID |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
{{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} |
If a custom message is entered when sending the email, it'll appear here. If not, this variable will be removed from the final email. |
Email ID | GC-64 |
Subject | Form due by {{FORM_DUE_DATE}} |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to an applicant when a form for a nomination grant program is past due. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{APPLICANT_FIRST_NAME}} {{APPLICANT_LAST_NAME}}, {{FORM_NAME}}, which is part of your nomination to the {{PROGRAM_NAME}} grant program, was due on {{FORM_DUE_DATE}} and has not yet been submitted. In order to proceed in the nomination process, please log in to the GrantsConnect applicant portal to complete and submit this form. {{CLIENT_NAME}}/{{PROGRAM_NAME}} Nomination ID: {{NOMINATION_ID}} Form Name: {{FORM_NAME}} Form Due Date: {{FORM_DUE_DATE}} {{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} Comments: {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{FORM_DUE_DATE}} | Form's due date |
{{FORM_NAME}} | Form's name |
{{NOMINATION_ID}} | Nomination ID |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
{{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} |
If a custom message is entered when sending the email, it'll appear here. If not, this variable will be removed from the final email. |
Email ID | GC-65 |
Subject | Form due by {{FORM_DUE_DATE}} |
Audience | Grant Managers |
Trigger | This email is sent to a Grant Manager when a form for a program is due. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{GRANT_MANAGER_FIRST_NAME}} {{GRANT_MANAGER_LAST_NAME}}, You were assigned {{FORM_NAME}} to complete as part of the review process for the {{PROGRAM_NAME}} grant program. This form is due on {{FORM_DUE_DATE}} and has not yet been submitted. Please log in to the GrantsConnect portal to complete the form so there are no delays in the review process. {{PROGRAM_NAME}} Application ID: {{APPLICATION_ID}} Form Name: {{FORM_NAME}} Form Due Date: {{FORM_DUE_DATE}} {{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} Comments: {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} Sincerely, {{CLIENT_NAME}} |
Variable | Definition |
{{APPLICATION_ID}} | Application ID |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{FORM_DUE_DATE}} | Form's due date |
{{FORM_NAME}} | Form's name |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
{{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} |
If a custom message is entered when sending the email, it'll appear here. If not, this variable will be removed from the final email. |
Email ID | GC-66 |
Subject | Form past due - Due {{FORM_DUE_DATE}} |
Audience | Grant Managers |
Trigger | This email is sent to a Grant Manager when a form for a program is past due. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{GRANT_MANAGER_FIRST_NAME}} {{GRANT_MANAGER_LAST_NAME}}, {{FORM_NAME}}, which is part of the application to the {{PROGRAM_NAME}} grant program, was due on {{FORM_DUE_DATE}} and has not yet been submitted. In order to proceed in the application process, please log in to the GrantsConnect manager portal to complete and submit this form. Application ID: {{APPLICATION_ID}} Form Name: {{FORM_NAME}} Form Due Date: {{FORM_DUE_DATE}} {{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} Comments: {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{APPLICATION_ID}} | Application ID |
{{FORM_DUE_DATE}} | Form's due date |
{{FORM_NAME}} | Form's name |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
{{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} |
If a custom message is entered when sending the email, it'll appear here. If not, this variable will be removed from the final email. |
Email ID | GC-67 |
Subject | Form due by {{FORM_DUE_DATE}} |
Audience | Grant Managers |
Trigger | This email is sent to a Grant Manager when a form for a nomination grant program is due. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{GRANT_MANAGER_FIRST_NAME}} {{GRANT_MANAGER_LAST_NAME}}, You were assigned {{FORM_NAME}} to complete as part of the review process for the {{PROGRAM_NAME}} grant program. This form is due on {{FORM_DUE_DATE}} and has not yet been submitted. Please log in to the GrantsConnect portal to complete the form so there are no delays in the review process. {{PROGRAM_NAME}} Nomination ID: {{NOMINATION_ID}} Form Name: {{FORM_NAME}} Form Due Date: {{FORM_DUE_DATE}} {{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} Comments: {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} Sincerely, {{CLIENT_NAME}} |
Variable | Definition |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{FORM_DUE_DATE}} | Form's due date |
{{FORM_NAME}} | Form's name |
{{NOMINATION_ID}} | Nomination ID |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
{{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} |
If a custom message is entered when sending the email, it'll appear here. If not, this variable will be removed from the final email. |
Email ID | GC-68 |
Subject | Form past due - Due {{FORM_DUE_DATE}} |
Audience | Grant Managers |
Trigger | This email is sent to a Grant Manager when a form for a nomination grant program is past due. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{GRANT_MANAGER_FIRST_NAME}} {{GRANT_MANAGER_LAST_NAME}}, {{FORM_NAME}}, which is part of the nomination to the {{PROGRAM_NAME}} grant program, was due on {{FORM_DUE_DATE}} and has not yet been submitted. In order to proceed in the nomination process, please log in to the GrantsConnect manager portal to complete and submit this form. Nomination ID: {{NOMINATION_ID}} Form Name: {{FORM_NAME}} Form Due Date: {{FORM_DUE_DATE}} {{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} Comments: {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{FORM_DUE_DATE}} | Form's due date |
{{FORM_NAME}} | Form's name |
{{NOMINATION_ID}} | Nomination ID |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
{{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} |
If a custom message is entered when sending the email, it'll appear here. If not, this variable will be removed from the final email. |
Email ID | GC-69 |
Subject | Your Application is Declined - ID: {{APPLICATION_ID}} |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to an applicant when their application has been automatically declined as a result of budget automation rules. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{APPLICANT_FIRST_NAME}} {{APPLICANT_LAST_NAME}}, Your grant application to {{CLIENT_NAME}}/{{PROGRAM_NAME}} on behalf of {{ON_BEHALF_OF}} has been declined. (Application ID# {{APPLICATION_ID}}) {{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{APPLICATION_ID}} | Application ID |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{ON_BEHALF_OF}} | Applicant's organization |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
{{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} |
If a custom message is entered when sending the email, it'll appear here. If not, this variable will be removed from the final email. |
Email ID | GC-70 |
Subject | {{DOCUMENT_NAME}} attached |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to an applicant when a merge document is sent by a Grant Manager. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{APPLICANT_FIRST_NAME}} {{APPLICANT_LAST_NAME}}, Please see the attached document: {{DOCUMENT_NAME}}. This relates to your application to {{CLIENT_NAME}} for the {{PROGRAM_NAME}} grant program. Sincerely, {{CLIENT_NAME}} |
Variable | Definition |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{DOCUMENT_NAME}} | Merge document's name |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
Email ID | GC-71 |
Subject | New Address Request Ready for Review |
Audience | Grant Manager |
Trigger | This email is sent to a Grant Manager when an address request is ready for review. |
Is it customizable? | No |
Can it be turned off? | No |
Email Content |
An alternate address request has been created for {{ORGANIZATION_NAME}}. Click below to view the request. |
Variable | Definition |
{{ORGANIZATION_NAME}} | Name of the benefitting organization |
Email ID | GC-73 |
Subject | Application id: {{APPLICATION_ID}} has been updated |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to an applicant when their application has been moved to a different program. |
Is it customizable? | No |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{APPLICANT_FIRST_NAME}} {{APPLICANT_LAST_NAME}}, The application listed below has been moved from {{PREVIOUS_PROGRAM}} to {{PROGRAM_NAME}}. If you have any questions regarding this update, please contact us. Application ID: {{APPLICATION_ID}} Previous program: {{PREVIOUS_PROGRAM}} New program: {{PROGRAM_NAME}} Submitted on: {{DATE_SUBMITTED}} Cash Amount Requested: {{AMOUNT_REQUESTED}} Sincerely, {{CLIENT_NAME}} |
Variable | Definition |
{{AMOUNT_REQUESTED}} | Cash amount requested |
{{APPLICATION_ID}} | Application ID |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{DATE_SUBMITTED}} | Date the original application was submitted |
{{PREVIOUS_PROGRAM}} | Name of the original program |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
Email ID | GC-74 |
Subject | Payment information for application {{APPLICATION_ID}} |
Audience | Applicants |
Category | Payments |
Trigger | This email is sent to an applicant and includes the payment information from a specific payment batch. |
Is it customizable? | Yes |
Can it be turned off? | No |
Email Content |
Dear {{APPLICANT_FIRST_NAME}} {{APPLICANT_LAST_NAME}}, Please see the following payment information related to your grant application (id# {{APPLICATION_ID}}). {{#if Payment.PaymentNumber}} Payment Number: {{PAYMENT_NUMBER}} {{/if}} Amount: {{PAYMENT_AMOUNT}} Payee Name: {{PAYEE_NAME}} Payee Address: {{PAYEE_ADDRESS}} Payment Status: {{PAYMENT_STATUS}} {{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} Sincerely, {{CLIENT_NAME}} |
Variable | Definition |
{{APPLICATION_ID}} | Application ID |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{PAYEE_ADDRESS}} | Address of the person being paid |
{{PAYEE_NAME}} | Name of the person being paid |
{{PAYMENT_AMOUNT}} | Payment amount |
{{PAYMENT_STATUS}} | Payment status |
{{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} |
If a custom message is entered when sending the email, it'll appear here. If not, this variable will be removed from the final email. |
{{#if Payment.PaymentNumber}} Payment Number: {{PAYMENT_NUMBER}} {{/if}} |
Payment number, if available |
Email ID | GC-75 |
Subject | Verify Your Account |
Audience | Grant Manager |
Category | Account management |
Trigger | This email is sent to a Grant Manager when they attempt to log-in to their account and authentication is required. This email contains a multi-factor authentication token (e.g., number) to be entered into the appropriate field in GrantsConnect. |
Is it customizable? | No |
Can it be turned off? | No |
Email Content |
Dear {{FIRST_NAME}} {{LAST_NAME}}, We have received your sign in request. Verification Code: {{MFA_CODE}} Never share this code with anyone. If you are not attempting to sign in, please change your password to ensure your account is secure. Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{FIRST_NAME}} {{LAST_NAME}} | Grant Manager's name |
{{MFA_CODE}} | Multi-factor authentication token |
Email ID | GC-76 |
Subject | Verify Your Account |
Audience | Applicants |
Category | Account management |
Trigger | This email is sent to an applicant when they attempt to log-in to their account and authentication is required. This email contains a multi-factor authentication token (e.g., number) to be entered into the appropriate field in GrantsConnect. |
Is it customizable? | No |
Can it be turned off? | No |
Email Content |
Dear {{FIRST_NAME}} {{LAST_NAME}}, We have received your sign in request. Verification Code: {{MFA_CODE}} Never share this code with anyone. If you are not attempting to sign in, please change your password to ensure your account is secure. Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{FIRST_NAME}} {{LAST_NAME}} | Applicant's name |
{{MFA_CODE}} | Multi-factor authentication token |
Email ID | GC-77 |
Subject | Automated File Delivery Failure |
Audience | Grant Managers |
Category | Reporting |
Trigger | This email is sent to a Grant Manager when a file being sent through the Data feed feature (i.e., scheduled reports) fails to send. |
Is it customizable? | No |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{FULL_NAME}}, The following data file failed to send: Data File: {{DATA_FILE_NAME}} Connection: {{CONNECTION_NAME}} Folder: {{FOLDER_NAME}} {{ERROR_DESC}} Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{CONNECTION_NAME}} | SFTP connection name |
{{DATA_FILE_NAME}} | File name |
{{ERROR_DESC}} | Error description |
{{FOLDER_NAME}} | Folder name specified in the SFTP connection |
{{FULL_NAME}} | Name of the Grant Manager or other user who was scheduled to receive the file |
Email ID | GC-78 |
Subject | Your Application is Canceled - ID:{{APPLICATION_ID}} |
Audience | Applicants |
Trigger | This email is sent to an applicant when their application has been canceled. |
Is it customizable? | No |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{APPLICANT_FIRST_NAME}} {{APPLICANT_LAST_NAME}}, Your grant application to {{CLIENT_NAME}}/{{PROGRAM_NAME}} on behalf of {{ON_BEHALF_OF}} has been canceled. (Application ID: {{APPLICATION_ID}}) Cancel Reason: {{CANCEL_REASON}} {{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{APPLICATION_ID}} | Application ID |
{{CANCEL_REASON}} | Reason given when canceling an application |
{{ON_BEHALF_OF}} | Applicant's organization |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
{{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} |
If a custom message is entered when sending the email, it'll appear here. If not, this variable will be removed from the final email. |
Email ID | GC-79 |
Subject | Application Canceled - ID:{{APPLICATION_ID}} |
Audience | Grant Managers |
Trigger | This email is sent to a Grant Manager when an application has been canceled. |
Is it customizable? | No |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{GRANT_MANAGER_FIRST_NAME}} {{GRANT_MANAGER_LAST_NAME}}, The application listed below was recently canceled, therefore, no longer in your workflow level, {{WORKFLOW_LEVEL_NAME}}. There is no further action required on your part. Program Name: {{CLIENT_NAME}} / {{PROGRAM_NAME}} Application ID: {{APPLICATION_ID}} Cancel Reason: {{CANCEL_REASON}} Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{APPLICATION_ID}} | Application ID |
{{CANCEL_REASON}} | Reason given when canceling an application |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
{{WORKFLOW_LEVEL_NAME}} | Workflow level |
Email ID | GC-80 |
Subject | Your Nomination is Canceled - ID:{{APPLICATION_ID}} |
Audience | Applicants |
Category | Nomination programs |
Trigger | This email is sent to a nominator when a nomination has been canceled. |
Is it customizable? | No |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{APPLICANT_FIRST_NAME}} {{APPLICANT_LAST_NAME}}, Your grant nomination to {{CLIENT_NAME}}/{{PROGRAM_NAME}} on behalf of {{ON_BEHALF_OF}} has been canceled. (Nomination ID: {{NOMINATION_ID}}) Cancel Reason: {{CANCEL_REASON}} {{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{CANCEL_REASON}} | Reason given when canceling a nomination (GC-81) |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{NOMINATION_ID}} | Nomination ID |
{{ON_BEHALF_OF}} | Applicant's organization |
{{#if Custom.CustomMessage}} {{CUSTOM_MESSAGE}} {{/if}} |
If a custom message is entered when sending the email, it'll appear here. If not, this variable will be removed from the final email. |
Email ID | GC-81 |
Subject | Nomination Canceled - ID:{{APPLICATION_ID}} |
Audience | Grant Managers |
Category | Nomination programs |
Trigger | This email is sent to a Grant Manager when a nomination has been canceled. |
Is it customizable? | No |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{GRANT_MANAGER_FIRST_NAME}} {{GRANT_MANAGER_LAST_NAME}}, The nomination listed below was recently canceled, therefore, no longer in your workflow level, {{WORKFLOW_LEVEL_NAME}}. There is no further action required on your part. Program Name: {{CLIENT_NAME}} / {{PROGRAM_NAME}} Nomination ID: {{NOMINATION_ID}} Cancel Reason: {{CANCEL_REASON}} Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{CANCEL_REASON}} | Reason given when canceling a nomination |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{NOMINATION_ID}} | Nomination ID |
{{PROGRAM_NAME}} | Program's name |
{{WORKFLOW_LEVEL_NAME}} | Workflow level |
Email ID | GC-84 |
Subject | Payment {{PAYMENT_ID}} has been voided |
Audience | Grant Managers |
Category | Payments |
Trigger | This email is sent to Grant Managers when a payment in a batch is voided. |
Is it customizable? | No |
Can it be turned off? | No |
Email Content |
Dear {{GRANT_MANAGER_FIRST_NAME}} {{GRANT_MANAGER_LAST_NAME}}, This is a notification that a payment was voided on {{PAYMENT_VOIDED_DATE}}. The details for this payment are shown below. Payment ID: {{PAYMENT_ID}} Amount: {{PAYMENT_AMOUNT}} Budget: {{BUDGET_NAME}} The funds for this payment have been returned to the budget from which they originated and made available for other payments. Sincerely, GrantsConnect Support |
Variable | Definition |
{{BUDGET_NAME}} | Budget assigned to the payment |
{{PAYMENT_AMOUNT}} | Payment amount |
{{PAYMENT_ID}} | Payment ID |
{{PAYMENT_VOIDED_DATE}} | Date the payment was voided |
Email ID | GC-91 |
Subject | Vetting Request Canceled |
Audience | Grant Managers |
Category | Vetting |
Trigger | This email is sent to Workflow Managers and Grant Managers in the current workflow level when an organization's vetting request associated with an application is canceled in NPOconnect. |
Is it customizable? | No |
Can it be turned off? | Yes |
Email Content |
Dear {{GRANT_MANAGER_FIRST_NAME}} {{GRANT_MANAGER_LAST_NAME}}, The vetting request for {{ORGANIZATION_NAME}} has been canceled. The following applications are impacted and cannot be awarded from a YourCause-processed budget. Application: {{APPLICATION_ID}} Cancellation Reason: {{CANCELATION_REASON}} {{COMMENT}} To proceed, you can cancel the application or update the assigned budget to one that is client-processed so that it can be awarded. Sincerely, {{CLIENT_NAME}} |
Variable | Definition |
{{CANCELATION_REASON}} | Reason given when canceling a vetting request (e.g., Canceled, Not a valid organization, Does not qualify, Not interested in completing vetting application, etc.) |
{{COMMENT}} | Comment entered by our team when canceling the vetting request, if any |
{{APPLICATION_ID}} | Application ID |
{{CLIENT_NAME}} | Client's name OR the Sender display name |
{{ORGANIZATION_NAME}} | Applicant's organization |