Get Started with Online Giving for Raiser's Edge NXT
Blackbaud Donation Forms available through Online Giving help you increase gift size, eliminate transaction fees, and expand your donor base. Follow these steps to get started using Blackbaud Donation Forms with Raiser's Edge NXT!
To use Blackbaud Donation Forms, your organization must:
Have an active Blackbaud Merchant Services account
Set your organization's currency in Raiser's Edge NXT
Configure settings
From Settings in Online Giving, manage preferences for your donation forms.
Note: Some settings impact online registration forms in Events and you can update them in both Online Giving and Raiser's Edge NXT. For more information, see Form Settings in Raiser's Edge NXT.
Raiser's Edge NXT connection
The Raiser's Edge NXT connection lets you connect gifts from Online Giving to Raiser's Edge NXT so that gift information flows to Raiser's Edge NXT. Under Raiser's Edge NXT connection, select Field mappings and set:
Email type to identify the email address captured through forms, such as Personal or Business.
Address type to identify the mailing address captured through forms, such as Home or Work.
Note: To mark new address as primary when existing constituents enter their addresses through forms, select Mark new addresses for existing constituents as primary. For example, if you spell out words such as Street or Lane and a constituent enters an abbreviation, duplicate detection identifies the difference as a new address. To leave existing addresses that are properly formatted and marked primary, clear Mark new addresses for existing constituents as primary. Clearing it saves new addresses as additional information on constituent records.
Tip: To help identify new addresses, use an address type specifically for online forms. For example, create a “for review” address type and set it under Address mapping. When you’re ready to review the addresses, create a query in database view based on the “for review” address type, and then update them as necessary.
NANP phone type to identify phone numbers that follow the North American Number Plan (NANP). Select a phone type with a phone number format that follows the NANP.
Other phone type to identify phone numbers not following NANP. Select a phone type without a phone number format.
Constituent code to define the affiliations your donors have with your organization, such as online donor.
Google Analytics
To track donor behaviors on donation forms, under Donation form settings, select Google Analytics, then enter the alphanumeric ID from your Google Analytics account. To learn more about how to collect data, see Google Analytics.
Donor cover designation
To create split gifts when donors cover transaction fees through donation forms, under Contributions, select Donor cover designation and choose a designation for the fees. If you don't set a designation,
For Optimized Donation Forms, the amount toward fees is allocated to the form's default fund.
For Standard Donation Forms, the amount toward fees is allocated to the first designation the donor selects if their gift is split between multiple designations.
For more information, see Donor Cover Designation.
Create donation forms
Blackbaud Donation Forms include Optimized and Standard Forms. Optimized Donation Forms provide an engaging and streamlined donor experience with continuously refined data and branding cards. While Standard Donation Forms are more customizable. To learn how to design and configure these forms, review Optimized Donation Forms and Standard Donation Forms.
Note: You will continue to manage gifts and constituents in Raiser's Edge NXT. To learn more about how gift appear in Raiser's Edge NXT, see Raiser's Edge NXT Gift Overview.