March 11, 2025: Release 25.03.0
Tip: To help prevent unexpected behavior, clear your cache after each release.

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When an employee selects a redirect organization for stranded funds from a recurring payroll pledge, the original pledge is canceled and a new recurring payroll pledge is created for the newly selected organization.

We have made the following updates for Monte de Piedad processing:
Donating over a certain amount to a charity on the Mexico charity feed triggers an in-depth vetting process. To prevent this, we have added a max donation amount of USD $10,000 when users donate to one of these charities. This applies to the edit flow process as well.
Matching over a certain amount to a charity on the Mexico charity feed triggers an in-depth vetting process. To prevent this, we have added a max match amount of USD $10,000 when users donate to one of these charities. Matches exceeding this amount will automatically adjust to the max limit of $10,000.
Volunteer grants and incentives cannot exceed the max donation amount for donations to a charity on the Mexico charity feed. Volunteer grants or incentives exceeding this amount will automatically adjust to the max limit of $10,000.
Users are limited to one credit card donation per transaction for a charity processed by the Monte de Piedad processor. They can check out with additional donation types and to other processors in the same transaction as a credit card donation, as usual. If users want to make multiple credit card donations to a charity on the Mexico charity feed, they can do so by making multiple transactions.
Warning: Temporarily, users using Mexican currency will not be able to make credit card donations. This restriction should be removed in early 2025.
Users receive a warning if they attempt to circumvent any of these new restrictions, and they will not be able to continue with the checkout process.

If the Volunteer Time Off feature toggle is activated for a community, the VTO eligibility checkbox is visible under the Benefiting Organization section when creating an event. The checkbox now simply determines if the event is eligible for VTO, and the event creator or organizer determines whether the event is eligible by selecting the checkbox or clearing the checkbox if it is not eligible.
Note: This update does not affect VTO hour approvals, where required.
For more information, see Volunteer Time Off (VTO).

If one or more participants were accidentally checked into an event, event administrators can now remove individual or bulk check-ins. For more information, see Manage event participants.

The mobile check-in experience is now available for use with smartphone cameras. By scanning the event’s QR code, a participant logs in using Basic or single sign-on (SSO) and can:
Check in for one or multiple event shifts.
Check in with a guest.
Review meetup instructions.
Register for an event shift.
Add themselves to an event shift’s waitlist.
Note: The event's QR code only appears in Manage Event when the event is live, not when it is in draft mode or closed.
For more information, see Mobile check-in.

The Export Summary, available within the Manage Participants feature, now includes the following columns:
Checked In Updated Date – Date and time (based on the event's time zone) when the event organizer updated the participant’s check-in
Checked In Status – Participant’s most recent status
Checked In – Check-in completed
Check-in Removed – Event organizer removed the participant’s check-in using Manage Participants
Not Checked In – Participant did not check in
Checked In Date – Date and time (based on the event's time zone) when the participant was checked in
Check In Source - Participant's check-in source
QR Code - Participant checked in using the QR code
Organizer - Organizer or administrator checked the participant in using Manage Participants
Note: If a participant was on a waitlist but did not join the event, all the above columns will be empty.
For more information, see Export Summary.

The following columns have been added or updated in the Volunteer Participation Report:
CheckedInUpdatedDate – Date and time (based on the event's time zone) when the event organizer updated the participant’s check-in
CheckedInStatus – Participant’s most recent status
Checked In – Check-in completed
Check-in Removed – Event organizer removed the participant’s check-in using Manage Participants
Not Checked In – Participant did not check in
CheckedInDate – Date and time (based on the event's time zone) when the participant was checked in
CheckInSource - Participant's check-in source
QR Code - Participant checked in using the QR code
Organizer - Organizer or administrator checked the participant in using Manage Participants
EmployeeFulltimeCode - Column data is from client HR data.
VTOEligible - This event is eligible for Volunteer Time Off (VTO)
Note: If a participant was on a waitlist but did not join the event, all the above check-in columns will be empty.
For more information, see Volunteer Participation Report.
CSRconnect Admin Portal

To help admins approve incentives, the Description and Type Rules fields have been added to incentives in the Approvals Manager.

We have updated the Help Center links for the following pages:
From CSRconnect Admin Portal, Volunteer, Skills, the Help Center link now directs to Skills.
From CSRconnect Admin Portal, Community Settings, Surveys, the Help Center link now directs to Surveys.
Tip: To access Help Center links from the CSRconnect Admin Portal, select Help Center from the upper right menu.

We’ve updated and clarified VTO requirements, functionality, and navigational references in the Volunteer Time Off (VTO) topic.