Update Your Checkout Experience

Warning: Due to new Payment Card Industry standards effective March 2025, all credit and debit card transactions must be processed with the new checkout experience. Configure existing active donation forms, new donation forms, and recurring credit or debit card payments to adhere to the new PCI standards before the March 2025 deadline.

The new checkout experience has plenty of advantages and upgrades including end-to-end transaction management in BBMS, more payment methods such as Apple Pay and Google Pay, and an improved user experience.

Identify active donation forms

PCI v4 requirements take effect March 2025, but they only apply to active forms. Let's focus on your donation forms that will be published and accepting donations from March through June 2025.

Make a list or calendar of campaigns, events, and communications you know you are expecting from March through June. What donation forms do you need for those? Use the Donations by Form report to identify forms that apply to those March through June priorities. Unpublish forms that are not a priority.

  1. Select Fundraising and Donation Management.

  2. Select Donation Reports, Donations by Form, and Go.Select Donation by Form

  3. By default, the report is set to return all forms in the results list. You may change the filters or proceed to the last section Configuration Summary. Name and submit the report.

  4. Initially the report status will show as Queued. Select Refresh Report List every few minutes until the status changes to Completed.Refresh Report List

  5. Download the report for a csv file that you can sort, filter, and search to identify forms needing attention.Download report

Update donation forms

Tip: You can test the new settings by copying an existing campaign with its forms and applying the new merchant account and data elements in the copy. If you are unsatisfied with the results, you can delete the copy without losing your original campaign and form settings.

  1. Select Fundraising and Donation Management.

  2. Find a campaign in the list and select Edit.

  3. Select Choose Financial Options and your new merchant account.

  4. Save and select Online Giving. Return to Online Giving

  5. Select All Donation Forms, find a form in the list, and select Edit.Edit donation form

  6. Select Design Donor Screens.

  7. Edit the Donation form.Donation Form Edit

  8. Select Checkout Modal under Select data elements to include in this form and Add.

    Add Checkout Modal Data Element
  9. Use the Order arrows to move the Checkout Modal above or below other data elements on the form.Move Data Element

    Note: For the 24.4 release in October 2024, we recommend placing the Checkout Modal element on the last page of the donation form.

  10. Select Save Order and Edit Selected.Save Order and Edit Selected

  11. Select Accepted payment methods and, if desired, enter a Primary color to match your organization's branding. Then Save or Preview your form.Configure Data Element

    Note: The upcoming 24.5 release includes support for allowing cash and check offline payments toward a donation form associated with checkout.

Configure merchant accounts

Note: If you already have a BBMS merchant account, skip to Configure Luminate Online Payment Capabilities.

If you need to create a new BBMS account, see Get Started with Blackbaud Merchant Services for detailed instructions for each of the following steps.

  1. Submit a request to connect to BBPS.

  2. From Blackbaud Admin home, select Settings and Merchant Accounts to add an account.

  3. From Blackbaud Merchant Services Web Portal, select Control Panel and Settings to add or edit account configurations.


Configure Luminate Online payment capabilities

Note: Only administrators with Merchant Account Self Provisioning permission have access to complete this step.

Link your BBMS account to your Luminate Online payment configurations.

Note: If you previously imported BBMS accounts you may notice your list of accounts under Payment Capabilities is duplicated and the names of the new accounts are appended with "Checkout."  These are your updated, PCI v4-compliant accounts. If your existing BBMS accounts were not duplicated, reimport your payment services configurations as described below.

  1. Select Setup and Payment Capabilities.Setup and Payment Capabilities navigation 
  2. Select Payment Services and Import Blackbaud Payment Services. Screenshot Import Blackbaud Payment Services 
  3. Select Merchant Accounts and Create an Account.Screenshot Setup Merchant Accounts

  4. Name the account, ensure no gateways are selected under the Legacy options, and select your gateway under Blackbaud Merchant Services Checkout Account and Save.Screenshot Configure Merchant Account

  5. Select Next.

  6. Select Support recurring transactions if desired, and Finish.

Add your new merchant account to your campaign

Warning: Add the Checkout data element to all active forms in your campaign before changing the merchant account. Donation forms are linked to the merchant account specified in the donation campaign. When you select the checkout merchant account for a campaign, all donation forms in that campaign are automatically linked to that checkout merchant account. Do not remove the Payment Type data element. Include both the Payment Type and either the Checkout Modal or Checkout Embedded data elements.

  1. Return to Online Giving.

  2. In the Campaigns list, select Edit for the appropriate campaign.

  3. Select Choose Financial Options and select your new checkout merchant account.