Checkout FAQ

Updated February 7, 2025

To comply with the new PCI 4.0 (Payment Card Industry) standards, all credit and debit card transactions must be configured to use the new checkout experience. This requires updating your donation forms and payment processing to meet the new requirements before March 2025.

Note: ATTENTION: Starting March 18, Blackbaud will begin auditing all donation forms for PCI compliance. Forms not updated to use either the embedded or modal checkout element will be automatically updated with the checkout modal, which could potentially cause layout changes and impact processing. API forms cannot automatically update, so you must take action to manually update API forms ahead of breaking changes. See Auto Migration FAQs.

Select a category of frequently asked questions:

Note: Canadian currency support is available. To enable this support, upgrade your Participant Center. No further action is necessary.

Tip: Feb 4: Register for a live workshop webinar to walk through these changes. eLearnings are also available at Level Up with Luminate Online.

How do I get started?

Existing Blackbaud Merchant Services accounts will complete these steps.

See Update your Checkout Experience for Donation Forms for detailed help.

  1. First, create a new merchant account. In Setup, Payment Capabilities, Merchant Accounts, select Create Account. In Blackbaud Merchant Services Checkout Account, select an account appended with "Checkout."

    Create Merchant Account screen to choose Checkout account

  2. Add either the Checkout modal or Checkout embedded to existing forms. (New forms automatically include the modal element.)

    Add Checkout modal data element on donation form screen

  3. Edit your campaign to use the new checkout merchant account from step 1.

    Note: If your existing campaign used a merchant account that was configured with a gateway to support Legacy Blackbaud Checkout, either create a new campaign or use a temporary merchant account.




About the new checkout

Auto-compliance migration on March 18


Payment processing

Digital Wallets







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