Emerging prospects
Under Emerging prospects, you can access prospects who have a low predicted gift value in the short term but have higher giving likelihood and potential gift range values. These prospects show potential to become major gift donors if you can get them engaged with your organization.
Tip: Use filters to save time.
– To display only prospects with a high planned giving likelihood, from Planned gift prospects, select Only prospects with high planned gift likelihood.
– To avoid spending time on qualifying candidates who already have a spouse assigned to a fundraiser, filter the list. From Prospects' spouse fundraiser assignment, select Only prospects without assigned spouses.
• Spouses who are not in Prospect Insights Pro and are assigned to fundraisers may still appear.
• Changes to spousal relationships and assignments may take some time before they are reflected in the Prospects' spouse fundraiser assignment filter.
To learn more about the criteria for candidate inclusion in Prospect Insights Pro, see Prospect Insights Pro FAQs. For more information on spousal relationships and how those are determined, see Relationships.
Starting from the top, for each prospect in the list:
Select the candidate and review their projected giving data, which appears on the following tabs.
From Analysis you can view the following information:
Target gift range
Giving likelihood
Potential gift range
Planned giving likelihood
Under Recommendations, you can see the recommended actions to take for a prospect. The recommendations are based on the summary analysis, which appears under Analysis. The analysis also indicates why a prospect appears in this list.
Note: Recommendations are suggestions for one possible course of action based on our predictive analytics. However, your personal knowledge of the prospect, along with other factors, may dictate there is a better approach to take. Recommendations are meant to provide a starting point for consideration and should not limit any possible actions you can take.
Under Biographical you can view a prospect's age, address, relationship information (including spousal fundraiser assignments), and Constituent codes. The information is drawn from the prospect's constituent record.
For more information, see Profile Information and Constituent Codes.
Prospect management
Under Prospect management you can view a prospect's assigned fundraisers, their status, any open actions, and current opportunities. The information is drawn from the prospect's constituent record.
For more information, see Fundraiser Assignments, Prospect Status, Action Statuses, and Opportunity Status.
Under Giving you can view a snapshot of a prospect's giving to your organization over the last five years, including the first, latest, and greatest gifts given to your organization, as well as those given to other organizations.
Under Wealth you can view a prospect’s estimated net worth and total confirmed assets. For more information about specific wealth attributes, see Giving Indicators.
If the candidate does not meet your organization's major giving criteria, select Dismiss prospect and choose one of the following options.
Review again in 6 months — This prevents the candidate from appearing in the Emerging prospects list for six months, after which time they reappear in the list.
Review again in 12 months — This prevents the candidate from appearing in the Emerging prospects list for 12 months, after which time they reappear in the list.
Mark as disqualified — This permanently removes the candidate from the Emerging prospects list and they will not come up again for review. However, you can still access them from the Disqualified prospects list, where you can qualify them if something changes.
Use this option for candidates who should never be assigned to a fundraiser. For example, this option makes sense for prospects in permanent stewardship who have indicated they are no longer willing to give.
If the candidate meets your organization's cultivation criteria:
Select Mark as qualified.
If you know who you want to assign as a fundraiser for the candidate, choose them.
Select Assign fundraiser.
Either assign the prospect to yourself or select another person.
To add an action for the candidate, such as sending an email, for example, select Add action. For more information about actions and how to work with them, see Actions.
To add an opportunity for the candidate, select Add opportunity. For more information about using opportunities, see Opportunities.
Select Finish review.
Note: Only fundraisers can be assigned to a prospect. Fundraisers must be set up as Raiser's Edge NXT users and marked as a fundraiser on their constituent record. For more information, see Fundraisers.
Note: Any actions you add appear on the prospect's constituent record.
Note: Any opportunities you add appear on the prospect's constituent record.
Note: If you assigned a fundraiser, the prospect appears in the fundraiser’s Your prospects list. Otherwise, the candidate appears in the Qualified and unassigned prospects list.