Get started with Prospect Insights

From Portfolio, Prospect insights, you can:

  • Use analytics to make informed decisions about which constituents to cultivate for major giving.

  • Assign qualified prospects to fundraisers and use actions and opportunities to move a prospect through the fundraising stages of cultivation to solicitation.

  • Temporarily remove candidates who aren’t ready for major giving to review again at a later time.

  • Review qualified prospects who aren’t giving as much as projected to adjust your cultivation plan.

  • Analyze how much your portfolio has improved since you began using Prospect Insights.

Enable Prospect Insights

An Organization admin must enable Prospect Insights for your organization. Only one Organization admin needs to do this task and it is a one-time only task. After an Organization admin enables Prospect Insights, admins in the organization can set permissions and assign roles to users so they can use Prospect Insights.

To enable Prospect Insights select Portfolio, Work center. Then, under Prospect Insights, select Enable Prospect Insights.

Set permissions

From Security, you can specify which users can view and manage major giving prospects.

  1. Do you have an existing fundraiser role? If not, go to Step a. Otherwise, go to Step b.

    Note: Each user can only have one fundraiser role. If your organization uses a single fundraiser role for the entire organization and the role already exists, modify the existing fundraising role rather than create a new one.

    1. Under Role management, Fundraiser roles, select New to add a fundraiser role. Go to Step 2.

    2. Under Role management, Fundraiser roles, locate the existing role and select Edit role. Go to Step 2.

  2. Under Prospect workflow tasks, select which permissions to grant to the role. The Role tasks include:

    • Manage prospects — Allows users to manage prospect qualifications, assignments, and dismissals.

    • Research prospects — Allows users to view prospect information, including giving history and wealth attributes.

    • Personal portfolio — Allows users to view prospect information for only the prospects assigned to them. Assign this task to fundraisers.

    • All portfolios — Allows users to view information for all prospects, including which fundraisers are assigned to a prospect. Assign this task to leadership, such as the director or chief development officer.

  3. Assign the role to the appropriate users.

Tip: To work with prospects, users must also have security group access to — at a minimum — view constituent and gift information. In the database view, admins can choose whether security groups can access, add, edit, or delete constituent and gift records in Administration, Security. Users may also need permissions for other areas, such as the Fundraising Work Center.

Qualify and assign untapped candidates

Note: Only fundraisers can be assigned to a prospect. Fundraisers must be set up as Raiser's Edge NXT users and marked as a fundraiser on their constituent record. For more information, see Fundraisers.

Under Untapped candidates, you can access constituents with high likelihood scores for major giving who haven't been qualified for cultivation yet or assigned to a fundraiser. When you select a candidate, you can view details about their projected giving for the next 12 months, including their likelihood score and target gift range. For more information, see Prospect Giving Indicators and Behaviors.

  • If the candidate meets your requirements for major giving engagement, select Mark as qualified to make them a prospect. You can also assign the new prospect to a fundraiser or do that later.

  • If you’re not ready to qualify the candidate, select Dismiss prospect and choose whether to review them in six or 12 months. Dismissed candidates don't appear in the Untapped candidates list until it's time to review them again.

  • Tip: Some candidates, such as young people starting their careers, may not be ready for major giving today, but their affinity for your mission and their potential earning capacity could make them an excellent candidate in the future.

Review prospects

To make sure you're focused on the best candidates for major giving, under Needs attention, you can view which prospects may need review.

Note: For fundraisers, the Needs Attention lists include only their assigned prospects. For leadership, the lists include all prospects.

  • Qualified major giving prospects — These prospects were marked qualified for major giving, but still need to be assigned to a fundraiser.

  • Assigned low likelihood prospects — These prospects have a lower Major giving likelihood (unlikely to give more than $10,000 in the next 12 months) and are assigned to a fundraiser. Being low likelihood might indicate a change in their giving or wealth indicators, so they're now considered unlikely to become major donors. You may want to remove them from your portfolio.

  • Note: Constituents assigned to fundraisers before your organization began using Prospect Insights may fall into the low likelihood list. Review their recent Target gift range, Major giving likelihood, Giving indicators, and Giving behavior to determine their potential for major giving.

  • Undergiving major giving prospects — These prospects were identified as having a high likelihood for major giving and are assigned to a fundraiser but haven't reached their predicted target gift range. Review their assigned actions and opportunities — they may need more outreach.

  • Major giving prospects assigned to inactive fundraisers — These prospects were identified as having a high likelihood for major giving and are only assigned to fundraisers who are deceased or are no longer designated fundraisers. You may want to reassign them to active fundraisers.

Manage your Prospect Portfolio

To view information about your assigned prospects, under Related links, select Your prospects. For example, during portfolio reviews, you may want to confirm a prospect's latest giving and wealth data aligns with your plans for cultivation. You can also quickly review their previous and current actions and opportunities as you plan new interactions.

From the list, select a prospect to review. On their page, you can:

  • Review their current Target gift range, Major giving likelihood, Giving indicators, and Giving behavior to determine their potential for major giving. For more information, see Prospect Giving Indicators and Behaviors.

  • Add actions and opportunities.

  • View their assigned fundraisers.

  • Remove them from your portfolio (i.e., unassign yourself).

Prospect Insights information on constituent records

If Prospect Insights identifies a constituent as a potential prospect, on their record under Prospect insights, you can view:

  • the constituent's qualification status. If you qualified or disqualified the prospect, the qualification status is displayed.

  • the constituent's assignment to either the Undergiving or Low-likelihood list. If Prospect Insights assigned the constituent to either list, the list name is displayed. For more information, see Low likelihood and Undergiving.

  • the constituent's predictive values for Prospect insights models, specifically the constituent's Target gift range and Major giving likelihood. For more information on models, see Prospect Giving Indicators and Behaviors.

For more information, see Constituent Records.

Analyze progress

From Portfolio, Prospect insights, you can view metrics to help you track how your portfolio quality has changed since you began using Prospect Insights. As you continue to use Prospects Insights, you'll be able to gauge your portfolio's progress over time.

  • The Portfolio quality tile displays your portfolio's proportion of initial and current high potential prospects. Your quality will improve as you assign qualified untapped candidates and dismiss those with low likelihood for major giving.

  • Note: If your organization just started using Prospect Insights, it may take a few days for this data to appear in the tile.

  • The Portfolio quality over time chart displays changes in high potential prospects by month. You can also filter the chart to view quality changes by fundraiser. To view a list of prospects included in the chart, select the column for the desired month.

  • Note: Chart data updates on the last day of each month.