Manage Donation Forms

Warning: All credit and debit card transactions must use the new checkout by March 2025 to meet Payment Card Industry standards. Configure your active, new, and recurring card payment forms with checkout to meet PCI standards before March 2025.

Note: Each donation form must belong to a donation campaign, and a campaign can contain multiple forms. Default form settings are inherited from campaign configuration.

Use donation forms to collect online (credit and debit card, direct debit, and digital wallet) donations and record offline (usually cash and check) donations.

To access donation forms select Fundraising, Donation Management, and options under Online Giving.

Screenshot - All donation forms list

Warning: Add the Checkout data element to all active forms in your campaign before changing the merchant account. Donation forms are linked to the merchant account specified in the donation campaign. When you select the checkout merchant account for a campaign, all donation forms in that campaign are automatically linked to that checkout merchant account. Do not remove the Payment Type data element. Include both the Payment Type and either the Checkout Modal or Checkout Embedded data elements.

Tip: You can test the new settings by copying an existing campaign with its forms and applying the new merchant account and data elements in the copy. If you are unsatisfied with the results, you can delete the copy without losing your original campaign and form settings.

See the Create a form tutorial.